Symptoms & Causes of Pinched Nerve In Toe

By Patricia | October 1, 2009

A feeling of severe numbness in the toes is a very common condition that arises out of improper blood circulation, nerve damage, injury or even some sort of disease. The numbness is often characterized by an uncomfortable tingling sensation that would feel like a number of pins and needles inside your foot. In most cases, this condition – also known as Paresthesia, is temporary and will gradually disappear when normal blood circulation has been restored to the affected area. Some examples of this condition include sitting at an odd angle where the veins carrying blood to these parts of the body are ‘pinched’ thereby placing a restriction of blood flow to the required area. When you stand up, you may notice a significant numbness in the area that was deprived of blood flow – thus causing it to ‘fall asleep’. When you stand up, body part will respond but the lack of blood flow may cause it to respond very lethargically until the point of time the blood flow has been completely restored. However, if you suffer from the condition on a regular basis, you would be best advised to visit a local doctor to have a medical tests conducted to identify if there is an underlying more severe medical condition causing the numbness.

Frequent cases of paresthesia are known to be symptoms that the neurons of the brain are not functioning correctly and are not optimally relaying messages to the brain. Most cases of this occurring are attributed to malnutrition, thyroid and diabetes. Some of the other common causes of the condition that are attributed to nerve damage include Lyme disease or multiple sclerosis or even the presence of a brain tumor. When assessing the situation, it is important to pay close attention to the actions you perform when the numbness starts to take effect. For example, does it occur when a certain type of footwear is worn, or does it only occur when you remain seated in a specific posture. The possibility of peripheral neuropathy is increasingly likely if you are above the age of 40 and smoke or have diabetes. In this condition, the small and large blood vessels are damaged which leads to the damage of the nerves. While there are no really well known home remedies that could help with the condition, you should try getting a regular massage in and around the most troublesome areas as this will help optimize the blood flow in these regions.

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