Causes Of Sudden Weight Gain

By Patricia | February 19, 2010

Sudden Weight gain and effective methods of weight loss are probably the most sought after medical advice. The trouble with weight gain and loss is that it is extremely easy to put on the few extra pounds, but losing that same amount of mass not only takes a lot of hard work and time, but also high levels of commitment, and perseverance . When faced with the task of following a nutritious diet plan accompanied by a good exercise regime,most people will try following through for a few days, even weeks, and give up a little down the road. There are a number of reasons that could cause the occurrence of sudden weight gain and not all of them are directly related to the kind of food you eat. There are a large number of medical conditions that could be the direct cause of a noticeably increasing waist line and, if the kind of food you eat hasn’t really changed significantly, you should make it a point to visit your doctor and have him or her perform a few medical tests to figure out the underlying reason. Factors like stress and mental worry are also known to play an important role in the sudden increase in a person’s weight and should be avoided in order to live an overall healthier lifestyle. The kinds of problems that you could face as a result of the sudden weight gain are numerous as the body organs need to suddenly adjust to the greater burden and have very little time to do so. Sudden weight increase puts additional pressure on vital organs like the heart and kidneys to perform more work in the same amount of time, thereby causing a number of internal medical complications.

Understanding the cause of weight gain goes a long way into treating the condition. For example, if it is the result of some medical complication, you should consult your doctor about your various options. If it has to do with the kind of food you eat or the quantity, it may call for a change in your lifestyle. First and foremost, switch over to a healthier diet and avoid any of the fried fast food that is so readily available and yummy.

They lack most of the essential nutrients that the body requires to perform optimally. Cut down on any salt intake as it has the capacity to retain water, causing your body to look rather bloated. Draw out some kind of exercise program that will help you shed a little more than the amount of calories you eat over the course of the day for significant results.

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