Treating Ear Aches & Infection In Children Naturally

By Patricia | September 17, 2009

Ear aches in infants and children are common and very painful. They most often develop because of a viral infection causing a cold or a sore throat. This is because with any of the aforementioned infections, the Eustachian tubes that connect the back of the throat to the middle ear also tend to get affected. Children who come into frequent contact with other children are more susceptible to infections of the ear because they pass on viruses to each other without much trouble due to a still developing immune system.

Ear Aches And Otitis Media Infection

The most common form of infection is known as Otitis Media. The ear consists of three parts known as the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. Otitis Media affects the middle ear, causing a swelling and inflammation of the Eustachian Tubes, trapping fluid within the tubes themselves. The fluid that is trapped in the middle ear can bring on a lot of pain, and if the infection is not cleaned out thoroughly, will eventually lead to a loss of hearing. Otitis Externa, or outer ear infections, are caused by fluids present in the ear canal that damage the skin covering of the outer ear. Swimmers normally experience outer ear infections because their ears are wet on a regular basis. There are signs which will help you to realize that your baby is affected by middle ear infection. Children with painful ear problems will cry a lot more than they normally do, and find it difficult to sleep peacefully. They will also tend to tug at the ear lobes in an attempt to ease the pain. Fluid draining out of the ear is another sign of ear trouble. If the response to lower level sounds is not normal, there are chances that your child has contracted a middle ear infection.

Home Remedies and Treatment

The fluid build up in the Eustachian Tubes will soon form a congested layer of wax that will cause ear aches. Boiling chopped garlic in olive or mustard oil and placing your head in such a manner as to allow the vapor to go into the affected ear, is an age old home remedy for treating earaches. The steam from the hot oil softens the congestion in the ear canal, allowing it to fall free and relieve the pain. Another well recommended remedy to treat aches in the ear is by crushing a few garlic pods and adding salt to the paste. Tie up the paste in a piece of cloth and place it under your aching ear. Garlic has natural properties to cure infections and will help in relieving the infection and therefore reducing the pain.

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