Inducing Menstruation Naturally

By Patricia | April 20, 2010

Menstruation is defined as the end of a human female’s 28 day menstrual cycle. A woman cycles between ovulation, thickening of the uterine walls and finally to menstruation, which occurs as the uterus wall is being discarded. This happens unless a woman is pregnant. There may also be some other causes that may lead to delayed menstruation. These include hormonal problems as all these bodily functions are controlled by hormones. Elevated or suppressed levels of hormones would cause problems with normal body functions.

There are also some other conditions that may cause havoc with a woman’s menstrual cycle. These include disorders that affect hormone production. Women suffering from ovarian disorders are likely to have hormonal imbalance problems as well. Consuming excess alcohol, salt, red meat and medications can cause problems with the menstrual cycle. Any substance that is likely to cause hormonal changes can be responsible for problems associated with menstruation.

Natural Methods To Induce Menstruation

There are medical and natural methods with which one can induce menstruation. Consumption of parsley is said to encourage the onset of menstruation. Ginger is also recommended. You can have a warm herbal drink of parsley mixed with ginger. This can also be added to tea that you would normally drink. Doctors also recommend some fruits like papaya and mango to help with your menstrual cycle. The reason behind this is that these fruits help to maintain a good balance of sugar and nutrition in your system and may help to balance your hormone production. All of this would lead to a return to normalcy for your period.

Stress is one of the silent causes for menstrual problems. Stress leads to imbalance in your production of hormones and it may affect you emotionally and physically in the form of affected menstrual cycle. Try and avoid stressful situations in order to improve your health.

Doctors may also recommend medications for inducing your period. This may be done after a blood test is ordered to find out which hormone levels are lower or higher due to any inherent underlying problem you may have. The doctor will then prescribe estrogen or progesterone supplements to balance your hormone levels. Birth control pills have also been acclaimed for their ability to regularize the menstrual cycle by balancing out estrogen levels.

Finally, follow a regular exercise schedule throughout your month. Exercising burns energy and fat and also increases your blood flow. It will make your body more efficient and you may be able to benefit from better hormone balance because of this.

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