Natural Cures For Itchy Bumps On Skin After Hair Removal

By Patricia | August 25, 2009

There are some red itchy bumps occurred on my bikini area after my second IPL session, there is no puss in it, how to treat this without leaving any scars or irritation?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a very common procedure for complete hair removal. It uses intense, short bursts of light energy to burn the hair-producing follicles completely, leading to a permanently smooth and blemish-free skin. As you must have experienced, this procedure causes very little discomfort even in the most sensitive areas of your body. You have mentioned that you are experiencing some red, itchy bumps after your previous IPL session. This could be a very common reaction to the procedure. In most patients, the reddish swelling will subside after 4 or 5 days. If it persists for a longer time, you may have a mild skin reaction.

Home Remedies

There are several safe home remedies that can provide topical relief from the itching and help to reduce the bumps. Try applying cucumber juice or slices of cucumber to the affected area. This vegetable has proven cooling and soothing effects. Many people have reported that aloe vera gel, directly applied on the swollen area, can reduce the itching. If your itching is severe, try some petroleum jelly to reduce the discomfort. You can also opt for a calamine solution or use unflavored yogurt. To protect against itching further, try mixing some turmeric powder with the yogurt; it has excellent antiseptic properties. You could even create a paste using turmeric powder and olive oil for direct application. Honey is also popular due to its soothing and antiseptic properties. However, it may be a little messy. Fresh milk cream can provide you with instant relief in the inflamed area. In addition, you also have the option of applying oils such as tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil. These will reduce the itching sensation and speed up the healing process. For a more relaxed experience, you can opt for a medicated bath. Fill half of your bathtub with warm water, add half a cup each of baking soda and cornstarch, and soak yourself in this solution at least once a day.

In case your symptoms continue for more than a week, please visit the clinic that conducted your IPL sessions. With their experience, they will be in the best position to advise you if your bumps are more than a simple skin reaction. You may also want to consult with a dermatologist in case of continued itchiness in the treated area. As you have mentioned, you should not take the chance of ending up with any permanent blemishes.

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