Home Remedies For Kidney Infection & Related Urine Problems

By Patricia | July 13, 2009

How to treat kidney infection and cloudy urine odor with home remedies

The kidneys form a part of the urinary system that also includes the prostrate in men, urethra, bladder and uterus. The location of the kidneys is on each side of the middle of the back and below the diaphragm. The primary functions of the kidneys are regulating the blood pressure, filtering the body from the waste products, keeping the concentration of electrolytes like magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium normal, and aiding in the production of blood cells. From each kidney, there is the draining of urine down to the uterus on each side of the body. These structures are thin and tube-like, which make the connection of the kidneys to the bladder, where the urine is ultimately drained from. From the bladder, there is the draining of urine through another structure that is like a tube, known as the urethra, and the urine is finally expelled from the body. The infection of the kidneys is part of a group of infections that affect the urinary system known as urinary tract infections. Usually, the infection of the prostrate, bladder and urethra is called lower urinary tract infection. When the infection rises to get the kidneys involved, it is known as upper urinary tract infection. Kidney infection is also called pyelonephritis.

Urinary tract and kidney infection causes could be because of the urine, which is normally a body fluid that is sterile, getting invaded by bacteria. Access is most commonly gained by the bacteria to the urine through the urethra, which could become exposed to bacteria from outside. Some of the usual sources of the invasion of bacteria into the urinary system are the skin, anus, and vagina. Since the length of the urethra is shorter in women, they are more prone to urine infection than men. Sexual intercourse can increase the chances of urinary infection in women. Pregnant women are also more vulnerable to infections of the urinary tract. This could be because of the slower movement of urine from the ureters to the bladder due to the increased pressure on the ureters as the uterus is enlarged. Another factor that can increase the chances of urinary tract infections is kidney stones. The flow of urine can be completely of partially obstructed from the kidneys and ureters by the stones. Kidney infection during pregnancy can start at the urinary bladder and slowly spread to the kidneys. The bacteria that cause the infection enters the urethra, grows in number, and extends to the various parts of the urinary tract and finally reaches the kidney. Physical and hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy can increase a woman’s vulnerability to the condition. Kidney infection in children is usually because of an invasion of bacteria in the bladder. It could also be due to other causes like kidney stones, measles, hepatitis, malaria, and pneumonia.

Some of the common kidney infection symptoms are fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, weakness, fatigue, a sensation of burning with urination, pain of the lower back or a dull pain at the side, and dehydration. In addition to a physical examination and a comprehensive history, a doctor may look for certain signs in the evaluation of urinary tract infection. Some of these signs are the flanks being tender just beneath the lowest rib, fever, evidence of dehydration in the physical aspects, and a heart rate that is rapid. A pelvic examination may be required for women to rule out conditions that are similar like pelvic inflammatory disease.

For kidney infections, you could make use of alternative and natural treatments done at home. An effective home remedy for kidney infection treatment is cranberry juice. This kidney infection treatment at home helps increase the acidity of your urine, thereby limiting the growth of bacteria due to the acidic environment. You could also use this for a urinary tract infection home treatment. Other home remedies for kidney infection include using garlic, which is a natural antibiotic, and herbal therapy. Bearberry capsules have been shown to be effective as a treatment for kidney infection, and these can be purchased at heath stores. You can help the working of the bearberry by maintaining a diet that contains a lot of fruit juice, vegetables, and milk. Other home remedies for kidney infections include aromatherapy. By using some essential oils you can reduce the pain caused by the kidney infections. You could try soaking in a hot bath of sandalwood and eucalyptus. Add around 20 drops of the oil into the hot bath and remain in the bath for around 10 minutes. You could substitute these oils with juniper and thyme oil, if you prefer these scents more. You could also mix a spoon of baking powder to a glass of water and drink it about three to four times a day as an effective kidney infection home treatment. One of the symptoms of kidney infection is lower back pain. An effective lower back pain home treatment is to start performing some exercises. Studies have shown that your ability to function will be decreased with bed rest. You should also use a firmer mattress rather than a soft one.

For kidney and urinary tract infections, a homeopathic treatment can be effective. As a kidney infection treatment, homeopathic methods offer an alternative to the antibiotics and medications that are traditional. It can be very effective in bringing down the symptoms, provided you are treated by a qualified homeopathic physician. An effective kidney stones home treatment is in the use of pomegranate. Both the sour as well as sweet pomegranate can be used as an effective medicine for kidney stones. Grinding a tablespoon of the pomegranate seeds into a fine paste can be taken with one cup of horse gram soup to make the gravel in the kidneys dissolve. You should use two cups of horse gram to prepare the soup. For kidney failure, a home treatment is insufficient. It is vital that you consult a doctor who will suggest the treatment that you need to follow. Drinking quarter liter of radish juice two to three times daily can help with the condition. An effective UTI home treatment would be to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and take supplements of vitamin C to make the immune system stronger. You should also avoid foods containing sugar as they will help the multiplication of bacteria.

For kidney infections, over the counter treatment could include painkillers like ibuprofen and paracetamol to ease the discomfort and pain and reduce fever. For kidney infection prevention, you should avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine, pungent spices, and hot foods. It is also necessary that you drink at least three liters of water daily and maintain proper urinary output.

Kidney infections can be extremely painful. This is an infection that can be very serious and can make you extremely sick if you don’t take care of it properly. We all wish for the ability to be able to use home remedies effectively for anything that we choose. Unfortunately, we cannot always use home remedies inclusively. Sometimes it is important to use home remedies in conjunction with proper medical care. Sometimes, it needs to be a partnership. With kidney infections, it needs to be a partnership.

Home Treatment For Kidney Infection

Kidney infections can be a temperamental sickness. You can catch it quickly and get rid of it very easily. This is when the home remedies are most effective. But, if you don’t catch the infection quickly, then the infection can become rather serious. This is when it is best that you use home remedies along with medical care. Your biggest mistake would to be to think you could take care of the infection with just home remedies and then assume that it has been taken care of, only to find out that it has grown worse. If you have found out that you have a kidney infection, and you are taking care of it properly, there are a few things that you can do to restrict a kidney infection:

  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Drink 100% cranberry juice. Make sure that it doesn’t have added sugar, it should be 100% natural. You can use added flavors; i.e. Cranberry Grape.
  • You can use cranberry pills.
  • You can use garlic pills. Garlic is a natural antibiotic.
  • You can use Echinacea pills; Echinacea is also a natural antibiotic.
  • You can drink a shot glass full of vinegar. It may taste nasty but it will work
  • Do not drink sodas.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Be careful about wearing tight fitting clothes.
  • Mix a spoonful of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water, drink this mixture three to four times a day.
  • Drink Aloe Vera juice.
  • Increase your Vitamin C intake.
  • Avoid using synthetic underwear’s and garments.

You should make sure that you take care of yourself if you have a kidney infection. Make sure that you go to the doctor and follow the medical advice he prescribes. Home remedies are only good as long as you are taking care of yourself. If you suspect a kidney infection, it is extremely important that you seek medical help. A kidney infection that has not been taken care of effectively can become very serious very quickly. Use home remedies in conjunction with medical treatment

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