How To Grow a Beard And Mustache

By Patricia | November 10, 2009

The appearance of a beard or moustache is something that is dictated by when you reach puberty. Even after puberty, the growth of a full-blown moustache and beard is something that will take a few years to stabilize. What this means is that though some of your friends might look like they have a normal beard or moustache, wait until you are close to the age of 20 for complete facial hair growth; having said that, there are a couple of things about facial hair growth that you must understand.

Grow Beard And Mustache

A beard or a moustache is a type of hair called androgenic hair, which means that it appears as a result of the androgen hormones secreted by the body after puberty. Androgens are secreted in both men and women and are converted into testosterone and estrogen in men and women respectively. Since the level of androgen that is secreted in the body is completely controlled by the pituitary gland, there is very little that you can do about the amount of androgen secretion except for staying healthy, exercising vigorously, and not smoking and drinking. You should also not fall prey to the popular myths of hair growth like the effect of increased masturbation helping hair growth. It is worth noting at this point that since you do not have a beard or moustache, once it does sprout out completely, you will probably not completely be happy with your new look. Therefore, you must be ready to start shaving as well.

Shaving And Facial Hair Growth

In fact, you could probably safely indulge yourself in one myth of androgenic hair growth, which is that shaving causes more hair to grow or existing hair to grow faster. Shaving is an age-old technique that men have used for getting rid of facial hair. Start by buying the correct razor. Some of the latest brands in the market use a triple blade system. This is more than adequate for the task though a double blade is also adequate. Prepare your skin for shaving by rubbing your face with some warm water and then apply shaving foam on your face. Dip the razor in some warm water and then start shaving in a downward motion and then upward motion so that your skin becomes as smooth as baby skin. If nothing else, this will ensure that you learn how to shave when your beard and moustache does come in full bloom.

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