Urinary Tract And Yeast Infections In Women

By Patricia | February 15, 2010

Yeast infections and urinary tract infections (UTI), both commonly occur in women and develop in the area of the vagina or vulva. However, this is where the similarity ends. The two conditions are quite different in terms of their nature and causes. Infections caused by the fungus Candida are known as yeast infections. This condition develops when there is an upset in the balance between yeast and the regular bacteria in the vaginal area. The result is inflammation, soreness, and a burning sensation in the vagina. In some instances, there may also be a thick white vaginal discharge, and pain may be experienced during sexual intercourse.

Home Remedies And Treatment

The urinary tract is primarily involved in the removal and excretion of waste from the blood. The blood is first filtered in the kidneys where the excess water, urea and other waste is removed from the blood. These are then used to produce urine which is transferred to the bladder through the ureters. The urine is stored in the bladder until it fills up. Once this happens, the urine is passed out of the body through the urethra. Sometimes, bacteria that are present in the stools or on the surface of the skin can enter the urinary tract through the urethra. Usually, the bacteria are killed by the body’s immune system and infection is prevented. But if this does not happen, the bacteria can spread and grow through the urinary system and cause infection. The symptoms of such an infection include dark colored urine, discomfort or burning while urinating, and pain in the lower abdomen or sides of the body.

Antibiotic treatment taken for UTI may indirectly result in a yeast infection as it may kill the bacteria in the vagina, thereby causing an increase in the amount of yeast. The symptoms of both conditions are similar and may cause confusion in self-diagnosis. Both conditions can be prevented by maintaining proper hygiene practices and keeping the genital area clean. Home remedies for yeast infection include application of apple cider vinegar to the affected areas. You can also soak a tampon in yogurt and place it inside the vagina for an hour. This will reduce the level of yeast by adding healthy bacteria from the yogurt. For UTI, the most popular remedy is consumption of cranberry juice. The acid present in unsweetened cranberry juice arrests the growth of bacteria, thereby easing the infection. Adding parsley to the diet or drinking parsley tea is also known to be effective in treating UTI as parsley has natural antiseptic properties.

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