Yoga Weight Loss : Home Remedy Obesity And Exercises – Bikram Yoga Workout

By Patricia | October 27, 2009

Home Remedy Obesity

Yoga has been around for centuries but has only very recently started to reach levels of global appeal and acknowledgement. When geared towards weight loss, yoga can be extremely beneficial as it provides some great methods of gently stretching and toning the body – thereby making it supple again.

Before you look for yoga to be the remedy to your obesity, it is essential that you understand exactly what being obese is as well as the reason that you have been affected by the condition. In the first stages of obesity your body starts to significantly lose shape and, as a result of the constant build up of fat in different parts of your body, the overall balance of the body is also affected. Moreover, an obese individual also requires greater amounts of energy to move. Obesity tends to be quite a vicious circle as due to the decline in levels of overall movement, there is a likelihood of a person putting on even more weight as they will generally not reduce the amount of food they eat. The gain in weight can be attributed to a number of conditions such as heredity where the condition has been handed down by previous generations within the same blood line or even medical conditions that affect the thyroid gland. If the weight gain is purely a symptom of the more serious medical condition, you would need to gear any treatment options toward that condition to make sure that the problem of obesity is cured permanently.

Yoga Exercises For Weight Loss - Bikram Yoga Workout

You must make it a point to indulge in a lot of sports and get a lot of strenuous exercise such as swimming, running and cycling. However, make sure that you build up the amount of exercise you get on a daily basis over a period of time as suddenly exerting yourself to huge amounts of exercise could be quite dangerous. When trying to lose weight, yoga utilizes several methods to combat stress and depression and to make you feel better about yourself. Yoga can also help you to feel more positive and believe that you would be successful in achieving the change. A lot of celebrities and athletes prefer to use the method of bikram yoga in order to tone and shape their stomachs. Bikram yoga is characterized by a mix of some calm yoga exercises and a complete regime of cardiovascular, aerobic and fat burning workouts. It also does not leave much time for relaxing in between its exercises. Some other yoga postures that would be beneficial include Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana, and Ardha Matsyendrasana.

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