Tooth Decay Causes And Treatment

By Patricia | November 4, 2009


What you are experiencing is probably a case of tooth decay. If you are experiencing pain, then this is a symptom that the tooth is infected. Depending on the level of decay in the soft tissues of the teeth, you might even have to undergo an operation called a root canal. This use to be one of the most dreaded operations but with modern surgical techniques is much less painful. The procedure itself requires the dentist to drill into the tooth, use a few dental screws to pull out the tissues and nerves inside it, and then seal it back with some supportive material before sealing the tooth with cement. There is no reason to assume that this is going to be the exact diagnosis for you; however, you must be prepared for the eventuality.

Dental Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a long process that occurs, which is a result of improper eating and dental care. Teeth are made up of the mineral calcium. In the normal course of life, teeth mineralize with the presence of saliva and demineralize with the presence of acid. The mouth contains its own set of bacteria just like the human gut. When these bacteria get a boost in nutrition from sugary drinks or food debris, their activity causes a lot of acid buildup that erodes the teeth. At some point, the erosion is so much that the inner tissues of the teeth are then exposed to the bacteria. This is when an infection and the subsequent pain and inflammation occur. There is no way to reverse this damage naturally and it is always better to go to the dentist to clean out the tooth and ensure that the infection doesn’t spread.

Treatment And Home Remedies

In the meantime, there are some simple measures that you can take to ensure that you buy yourself some time before a trip to the dentist. The first step is to rid you of the pain. This can be done by bathing the affected tooth in a mouthful of clove oil or chewing on cloves. Be warned that if you are a pregnant female, you must not swallow the oil or your saliva and spit it right out. Clove is a natural anesthetic for the teeth. The next step is to clean out the tooth of dead tissue and bacteria. For this, do a hydrogen peroxide mouthwash. This will suppress bacterial activity for a while and give you much relief until you visit the dentist.

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