Home Remedies For Second Degree Burns

By Patricia | August 7, 2009

What remedies should I use at home at skin for second degree burns from hot water?

The pain caused in any kind of burn depends on two things. One, how much tissue damage has happened and two, how much nerve damage has happened. The classification as different degrees is made on the basis of the skin damage. There are multiple layers of skin so that the internal organs are protected completely. If the damage is only sustained by the epidermis, or the surface layer of the skin, it is known as first degree burn. Damage of subsequent layers is known as second and third degree burns.

A second degree burn can be quite dangerous, depending on the location of the burn and the extent of skin it has affected. If you have anything above a 40 percent second degree burn, rush immediately to the doctor. It is important to get your wounds treated and dressed to minimize the chances of infection. However, if it is just a small area, immediately put the affected area under cold running water for at least 5 minutes. After that you can use a cold compress to sooth the inflamed area.

Home Remedies

However, be cautious that you don’t expose the burn to extremely cold water or apply ice directly. No good will come out of doing this. Instead, you might get blisters on the burnt area. The blisters delay the formation of new skin and start the healing process. Do not burst the blisters or they will leave marks and even lasting scars. Also do not apply any creams, ointments, moisturizers or even petroleum jelly. Doing so will aggravate the condition and might cause an infection by trapping perspiration underneath the layer of cream.

An effective treatment for burns is colloidal silver compounds. It is not only a disinfectant, but also an anti biotic. Your local pharmacy should have this in spray form. Pray this on your burn as per your doctor’s instructions. You should also include a lot of citrus fruits in your diet, as they are rich in vitamin C and help to speed up the healing process by generating collagen.

The leaves of the Plantain are also good for the treatment of burns. Crush or blend the leaves with a little water so that you obtain a thick paste. Apply this paste on your burns and leave it for some time. This will encourage healing and is also a disinfectant.

When your skin gets burnt, transpiration allows a lot of water to be lost from the body. This can make you feel weak and faint. Keep your body well hydrated by drinking a lot of water, juice and other fluids. The superficial healing of the burns may take some time, depending on how much skin has been burnt. Usually for a small burn, it takes about two weeks. With proper care, some days can be shaved off. However give the burns some time to heal and try to keep it covered to avoid dust and pollution from entering into the raw skin and causing infections.

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