Causes and Home Remedies for Bumps Sores On Tongue

By Patricia | April 15, 2010

These bumps on the tongue could be mouth sores that could affect any part of your mouth whether inside or outside. Mouth sores are a condition that is caused by a decrease in the production of saliva. Saliva helps protect the lining of the mouth and when it reduces, holes may appear in the lining. They may be ulcers or even vesicles (blisters) when they are filled with fluid and are slightly raised. If the bumps are white in color, they may be ulcers caused by the food particles, dead cells and other debris that are in the lining of the mouth.


The sores could be caused due to some irritation or injury to the mouth caused by sharp jagged teeth or ill-fitting dentures. These injuries may result in blisters that then cause ulcers when the blister breaks. You could be having an allergic reaction a substance, either food or drugs and other chemicals. These include the ingredients candy, gum, even toothpaste, and mouthwash. The sores may also be a result of a virus attack such as herpes which is the virus that causes chicken pox or shingles. These sores maybe extremely painful and while they may heal, it may take years for the pain to subside. Another possibility is a bacterial infection of the teeth and gums which then spreads to the tongue causing a pus filled boil. Infections that spread from decayed teeth at the bottom may spread to the tongue as well. Syphilis in its advanced stages can cause boils on the tongue, although by this stage, they are no longer contagious.

Treatment And Home Remedies

To prevent the bumps or boils from getting infected you may brush your teeth with a soft bristled tooth brush a few times a day. Gargling alternately with hot and cold water will ease the pain if any. You may chew basil leaves and follow it up with a glass of water. Follow this remedy twice a day to help prevent mouth odor and prevent infection. A paste of turmeric and glycerin can be applied a few times a day to the ulcers, although it might be difficult since the ulcers are underneath the tongue. Hydrogen peroxide mixed with water in equal proportions and applied onto the bumps using a cotton ball can heal the sore instantly if it is an ulcer. If, however, the bumps persist for more than 10 days it may not be a simple ulcer but a serious infection or the symptom of an underlying disease. Consult a doctor immediately if it persists.

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