Home Remedies For Mosquito Bites

By Patricia | October 14, 2009

Allergic Reactions

Mosquito bites are an extremely common problem and can be quite annoying for the individual experiencing them. It is the female mosquito that bites as she requires the blood in order to lay eggs. When the mosquito bites, it injects saliva into the skin. The protein contained in the blood helps to prevent blood clotting from taking place and also allows for an easy flow of blood into the mouth of the mosquito. The proteins in the saliva can also cause allergic reactions. The reactions to mosquito bites are varied and the symptoms also differ depending on the number of times the person has been bitten. The swelling can occur around the area of the bite either immediately or after a period of time. Those with more pronounced reactions to mosquito bites are considered to be mosquito allergic.

Home Remedies

There are various home remedies by which you can ease the itching and irritation caused by mosquito bites. Wash the bitten area with rubbing alcohol before applying anything else to the skin. Clean the area thoroughly and then gently pat it dry. Some believe that putting a piece of scotch tape on the bite and leaving it alone for some time will cause the itching to go away. A piece of cloth dipped in hot water can also be placed on the bite. This will allow for the release of body proteins that produce immune reactions against the bite. A paste of baking soda and water may also be applied to the affected skin. A slice of lemon or a couple of drops of lemon juice can be rubbed gently into the bitten skin. In order to prevent yourself from scratching the bite and causing a sore, you can apply a thin coat of clear nail polish on the bite. If there is no wound present, then apple cider vinegar or white vinegar can be applied to the skin.

Rubbing fresh aloe vera gel on the bite will help to soothe the skin and relieve the itching. An ice compress placed on the bite will reduce swelling and redness. An extremely easy way to tackle a mosquito bite is to apply a bit of toothpaste to the area. Rubbing a few drops of salt and water will help greatly in reducing inflammation. Applying lavender essential oil to the affected skin will reduce the itching and irritation. Rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the irritated area will also soothe the skin and reduce itching and tenderness.

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