Causes Of Numbness And Tingling On Hand And Leg

By Patricia | April 16, 2010

Numbness can occur in any part of the body, although the most common areas for it are the arms, hands, fingers and legs. There can be several causes of numbness. Those who remain in a standing or seated position for prolonged periods of time may experience numbness. Nerve injuries can also lead to numbness and a tingling sensation as the nerve in the affected area undergoes strain due to pressure or trauma. Pressure on any of the spinal nerves can also result in pain and numbness that radiates to the hands and legs. In some cases, when pressure is exerted on the peripheral nerves by swollen blood vessels, scar tissue, infection or growth of tumors, numbness may result. Conditions such as herpes zoster infection or shingles are other causes of numbness in various parts of the body. Atherosclerosis could also result in tingling, pain and numbness in the legs. This condition develops due to the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. The symptoms are especially apparent while walking, a condition known as vascular claudication. Individuals that suffer from frostbite also experience numbness in the hands and legs due to a reduction in the circulation of blood in the affected areas.

There are some medical conditions that result in numbness. These include carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, seizures, underactive thyroid, stroke, raynaud’s phenomenon and transient ischemic attack. Imbalances of sodium, calcium or potassium in the body could also result in numbness. Vitamin deficiencies such as that of vitamin B is another factor known to result in numbness. Abuse of substances such as tobacco, lead and alcohol can cause toxic nerve damage, which in turn leads to numbness. Intake of certain medications and radiation therapy are also known to result in numbness in certain parts of the body.

If you experience numbness or a tingling sensation in your hands and legs, it is advisable to consult a doctor so that the underlying cause may be identified and treated. For conditions such as low back pain or carpal tunnel syndrome, certain exercises may be prescribed which help to reverse the symptoms. In case of diabetes, your doctor can guide you on how you can control your blood sugar levels. For numbness that results simply from remaining in a fixed position continuously, exercising the affected area will help to improve blood supply to the area and the numbness will subside. Application of warm or cold compresses also helps to alleviate numbness.

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