Get Rid Of Dark Patches On Face

By Patricia | August 13, 2009

Dark Patches On Face

Dark patches on the face could either be a case of hyperpigmented skin or residual dead skin. The causes can be anything from the use of certain types of prescription drugs, hormonal changes, long exposure to the sun, or even an odd allergic reaction to cosmetics. An allergic reaction to a skin irritant can sometimes cause surface skin to die or to hyper-pigment. You will need to exfoliate your skin for a significant period of time to get rid of this problem, and stop using the brand that might have caused the problem.

Skin Color And Skin Pigment

Skin color and its colored aberrations are caused by a skin pigment called melanin. This substance is created in the melanocyte cells of the skin and then transported into upper layers of the skin where they create a brown appearance. When you are exposed to the sun – specifically ultraviolet radiation – the melanin oxidizes and becomes a darker color. Successive exposures can send this color to a black as well. Some medications and hormonal changes can cause the melanocyte cells to become over stimulated, produce more melanin, and therefore get darker. This condition will have to be countered by continuously exfoliating, bleaching and staying away from more skin damage. Exfoliate at home using a simple solution of lemon juice and sugar crystals applied to the face. Rub the sugar crystals in a massaging action into the face and this will slough off any dead skin that is loosened by the action of the lemon juice. This activity should be done at least twice every day. Once a day, preferably before going to bed at night, make a solution of lemon juice and onion juice in a bowl by dicing some onions finely and then squeezing the juice out of them. Apply this solution to your face as if you were painting a wall with successive layers of paint. This will start to show results in a month. However, it would probably take more time for the complete darkening effect to disappear completely.

Get Rid Dark Patches Face

Here some useful ways to get rid of dark patches on face. It is also important to maintain your diet to a point where you are completely nourished with all the proteins, minerals and vitamins that you need. This is because most deficiencies in the body can show their effects on the skin surface. Increase your intake of the major vitamins like E, B, and C as these have a direct impact on your skin. These can be acquired by having a lot of dairy and leafy green vegetables.

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