Home Remedies for Acidity

By Patricia | November 18, 2009

Why Gas Trapped In Stomach

Gas is a natural by-product of digestion and is therefore something that sometimes is inevitable. In fact, it can be said that if you do not experience flatulence and burping at some point, there might be a problem with your digestive system. Flatulence is sometimes used as a marker of a healthy digestive system by many doctors when analyzing gastrointestinal problems. Having said that, too many emissions of gas from either orifice is also of concern. Excessive burping could indicate that your diet is unhealthy or you experience acidity – which can be further caused by a number of reasons including stress and the intake of certain types of spices. Excessive flatulence can be caused by reasons like intestinal flora imbalance or too much polysaccharide in the diet. In either case, there are simple remedies to cure you.

When you eat or drink, the food passes from the mouth into the stomach. While food is in the stomach, the stomach is sealed by two valves: the esophageal and pyloric sphincters. Here in the stomach, the food and drink are acted on by enzymes like pepsin along with hydrochloric acid created by a bunch of cells called parietal cells. The food lies here for a while so that all organic matter is broken down into a simpler form for processing further. This is the first stage of gas build up and any accumulation escapes from the esophageal sphincter opening to allow this escape and cause a burp. Burp could have a characteristic taste because of the type of food ingested. The second stage of gas production happens in the intestines and is caused by the action of intestinal bacteria, which break down food further for absorption in the small intestine. The wrong type of bacteria, deficient enzymes (as in the case of lactose intolerance), and the use of antibiotics will cause gas to build up and even diarrhea sometimes.

Home Remedies

Curing the condition of gas requires that settle the acid production in the stomach by using ginger. Ginger is excellent to settle the stomach and can reduce the amount of acidity if you suffer from belching. For problems with intestinal flora, you need to restock your intestines with bacteria and this requires the use of probiotic yoghurt taken an hour before every meal. Cut down on your intake of hard fibrous foods like legumes temporarily until the problem goes away. Drink aloe vera juice as a laxative to cleanse the colon of any accumulated feces.

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