Causes & Home Remedies for Vaginal Skin Discoloration And Pigmentation

By Patricia | September 2, 2009

Several women tend to get worried when they notice any changes in the color of their skin, especially if it happens to be dark skin around vagina. This is probably because most of us associate discolored vaginal skin with lack of adequate hygiene or an infection. However, there could be several different factors that lead to a dark vagina and fortunately quite a few of them are not really a cause for concern.

The color of the vaginal skin is definitely not the same in all women and the reasons for the same also vary. Moreover, it is absolutely normal for the color of the labia and the skin around the vagina to be darker as compared to the rest of your body. The color of your skin in the vaginal area may range from pink to purple to dark brown, depending upon factors such as your ethnicity, age, body weight, complexion, and so on.

You have nothing to worry about as long as you do not experience any itching, pain, discomfort, discharge or foul odor. However, in case these symptoms are present in addition to hyperpigmentation in the vagina, you may be suffering from a vaginal infection, which should be checked and treated by an Obstetrician / Gynecologist as quickly as possible.


There are several different factors that could cause the darkening of skin in various parts of the body. The causes of dark vagina mainly include –

  • Ageing
  • Regular application of talcum powder to the vaginal area.
  • Diseases like Cushing’s diseases and Acromegaly
  • Disorders in the skin, liver, intestines or adrenal glands
  • Excess production of melanin
  • Gastric cancer (rare)
  • Heredity
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism
  • Infections
  • Malnutrition or the deficiency of certain vitamins
  • Obesity
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Shaving the vaginal area often
  • Using certain creams, soaps, body washes or other similar products
  • Wearing tight clothes or underwear made from synthetic material

Another reason for discoloration of vagina could include Acanthosis Nigricans a skin condition, characterized by hyperpigmentation in the vagina, underarms and the fold of the neck. The affected part of the skin usually becomes thicker and may even smell bad. Adults and children who are obese or suffer from type-2 diabetes are at a higher risk of developing this medical condition. In some rare instances, Acanthosis Nigricans could be a sign of a malignant tumor in the internal organs.

Some of the causes of darkened vaginal skin are quite serious and need to be treated without any delay. Therefore, it is important that you speak with your OBS/GYN as soon as the skin around your vagina becomes darker.

Home Remedies And Treatments:

The treatment for hyper-pigmentation in the vaginal area depends upon the underlying cause. Your doctor may prescribe certain medicines and topical ointments to treat the problem, as a part of black vaginal skin cure. In most instances, the discoloration of the vagina gets better once its underlying cause is treated. However, you could also lighten the color of the skin by using a few simple home remedies. Given below are some of the most effective home remedies for a dark vagina –

  • Prepare a mixture using one teaspoon of milk powder, along with a spoonful of honey and lemon juice. Then add some almond oil (half a spoon) to the mixture, so that it becomes a smooth paste. Apply this paste on to the affected part of the skin every day and leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water
  • Potato acts like a natural bleaching agent and it helps lighten the skin to a great extent. Apply a few slices of potato on to the darkened skin for about 15 to 20 minutes or so and then rinse the area off with some cool water
  • Mint leaves have been known to work wonders with darkened skin. Take the paste of some freshly ground mint leaves and apply it on the vaginal area. Leave it on for at least 15 minutes or so before rinsing the area with water
  • Lime juice is often used in many skin-lightening products and remedies, because of its natural bleaching properties. Apply some freshly squeezed lime juice on the skin for around 20 minutes or so each day.
  • Take a tablespoon of gram flour in a bowl and add about two teaspoons of milk as well as a few drops of lemon juice to it. Mix all the ingredients well to make a paste, which should be applied on to the darkened area for about 15 minutes or so.
  • Make a mixture of lime juice and yogurt. Apply this mixture in a thick layer along your vaginal skin and groin. Leave the mixture on for at least 20 minutes and then wash off. Do this every day till you begin to notice improvement. During this time, avoid using acidic soaps. Use only mild cleansers on your vaginal area.
  • A paste of yogurt and dried orange peels can also be applied on your vaginal area to improve the skin color. This paste should be rubbed gently in the groin area. This will help you exfoliate dead skin, allowing younger and fairer skin to emerge.
  • Another natural exfoliate is a mixture of powdered oatmeal and yogurt. A paste of this can help in improving skin texture and color.
  • Avoid using any razors, hair removal creams or talcum powder to the area, as they darken the skin further
  • Wear clothes and undergarments that are loose or well-fitting and preferably made from cotton.
  • Follow a healthy diet, to provide your body with all the required vitamins, minerals and nutrients. This also includes drinking about 6 to 8 glasses of water during the day.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight, preferably by exercising for at least half an hour each day, five days a week.

Make sure you use these remedies for at least two months before giving them up. These remedies act very slowly and may need time to show you results.

While these remedies and lifestyle changes are quite safe if followed correctly, it is best to speak with a doctor before trying any of them. Moreover, do bear in mind that these remedies do not cure the underlying cause of vaginal discoloration

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