Cloudy Urine: A Symptom of Urinary Tract Infection

By Patricia | June 8, 2010

Cloudy urine could be a symptom of bacterial or viral infections of the urinary tract, the inflammation of the urethra, or malfunctioning of the kidneys. If there are accompanying symptoms like strong foul odor in the urine, pain, itching and burning sensation during urination, occasional discharge of blood with urine, rise in body temperature and frequent urination then there is a high chance that you are suffering from some kind of infection of the urinary system. Liver ailments like hepatitis and cirrhosis may also be responsible for cloudy urine. Among the less serious factors that might cause a change in the color of urine would be dehydration. Since mineral salts are present in urine, consuming inadequate amounts of water makes urine grow darker and cloudy.


One of the most effective ways of preventing urinary problems that result in cloudy urine is to drink plenty of water and natural fruit juices. This prevents the accumulation of toxins in the kidneys and the bladder and thereby fortifies the urinary system against microbial infection. This also helps reduce the chances of formation of stones in the kidneys. Vitamin C supplements are also useful in preventing urinary infections. You should also avoid smoking and drinking, as these may lead to dehydration as well as build-up of toxins in the bloodstream, and consequently result in cloudiness of urine. Also, stay away from fizzy, carbonated drinks, coffee, spicy and artificially flavored foods, chocolates and dairy products, as they may cause irritation to the urinary tract. Include fresh fruits and raw vegetables in your daily diet to cleanse your system naturally and prevent your urine from turning dark and cloudy.

Maintaining proper personal hygiene is also a crucial determinant in preventing urinary tract infections that might cause urine to become cloudy. In addition, you may follow a few home remedies in order to treat this condition. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink this solution twice a day. This helps counterbalance the excessive acidity of urine. You could also consume a cup of pineapple juice every morning at breakfast in order to treat cloudy urine and cure the infection in the bladder or the urinary tract that might be responsible for this condition. Drinking a glass of cranberry juice on an empty stomach every morning is also an effective natural way of preventing urinary tract infections and restoring normal color to urine.

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