How Can You Get Rid Of Boils At Home

By Patricia | November 25, 2009

Boils are increasing on my face in spite of using warm water, antiseptic, now what should I do more to get rid of boils and scars

Boils are normally caused by infections of the skin that begin in the pores or at the follicles of the facial hair. Most often, dirt gets into the pores causes oil that is produced by the body to collect, soon leading to an infection which manifests in the form of a boil or pus that forms under the skin. These boils are caused by the staphylococcus bacteria that damage the skin and hair follicles. The boil usually starts out as a reddened portion of inflamed skin, and if not taken care of, can further infect the underlying layers of skin, forming an abscess. Toxins in the body are also known to produce boils that form on the upper layers of the skin. Similarly, poor nutrition, poor hygiene and problems surfacing from immune system disorders can cause boils.

Home Treatment For Boils

The most well recommended method of treating boils is to apply a hot compress over the boil itself, bringing it to a head and causing it to ripen and burst. Once this is completed, it should be wiped clean and covered to protect it from dust and germs that could cause further damage. A thick piece of onion, placed over the boil will generate heat and cause it to burst. Onion, known for its natural anti septic properties, will help to clean the boil after it has burst. Garlic juice contains sulfuric compounds that will draw the bacteria to the surface before causing the boil to burst, thereby cleaning the wound completely.

Other age old remedies include the use of turmeric as a natural healing agent. A bandage of turmeric powder will draw out all the infection from the skin and enable the wound to heal faster. A poultice made from a mixture of milk, turmeric powder and vinegar, when placed on the boil, will cause it to burst without getting septic. Turmeric, mixed in a glass of warm water and taken thrice a day will clear out the digestive system and reduce the occurrence of boils altogether. Drinking enough of water each day and ensuring that your body gets enough fiber through green, leafy vegetables, helps in taking care of boils. Detoxifying the body by drinking chamomile tea is also beneficial in treating boils and other skin disorders. Tea and coffee should be avoided as they generate a lot of heat within the body, which could be released in the form of boils that appear on the face.

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