High Bilirubin Levels In Adults

By Patricia | May 13, 2010

How much serious is high bilirubin level in an adult body?

Bilirubin is essentially a product that is the result of the breakdown of hemoglobin. An analysis of bilirubin levels in the body help determine if the patient is suffering from conditions like liver disease or a blocked bile duct. The metabolism of bilirubin begins with the breakdown of red blood cells, which contain hemoglobin, which is split into heme and globin. The heme is then converted into bilirubin and transported to the liver through the bloodstream. There are two forms of biluribin present in the bloodstream. The indirect or unconjugated bilirubin is insoluble in water and travels through the bloodstream to the liver where it is changed into a soluble form – direct or conjugated bilirubin. Direct bilirubin levels are measured directly in the blood while the indirect form of bilirubin is derived from the total and direct bilirubin measurements. Some of the physiological signs that bilirubin levels in the body are high include a yellowish coloration of the whites of the eyes and skin (exactly the same as when a person is affected by jaundice – a condition where bilirubin levels are high). Too much bilirubin content in a new born baby can cause severe brain damage, muscle functionality, most commonly the ones that move the eye, or even death.

Normal values of bilirubin content within the body is measured at 0 to 0.3 milli grams per deciliter when it comes to direct bilirubin and 0.3 to 1.9 milli grams per deciliter when talking about total bilirubin content. When the body contains too much billirubin, the substance will store itself in almost every cell in the body and also cause the urine to become noticeably darker. The key of bilirubin control is primarily in preventing it from getting out of hand. A high intake of fruit juices and vegetable juices is extremely beneficial while the diet must be fat and oil free. Consumption of liquids like alcohol are known to put stress on the liver, and should be avoided completely. One of the most effective treatment options when dealing with high bilirubin levels would be to add 10 grams of turmeric powder to 50 grams of yogurt, mix them well and divide into equal parts. One part should then be consumed in the morning and the other part in the evening for a period of 15 days for best results. Sucking on sticks of sugarcane three or four times a day will help nourish the body and clear the urine.

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