Eye Floaters Natural Treatment

By Patricia | May 13, 2010

How to remove eye floater without surgery?

It is very common to notice an occasional speck in front of your eye that becomes more prominent when looking at an object or a light background. These specks are known as eye floaters and are created with the formation of tiny clumps within the jelly like substance inside the eyeball. As a result, whenever you move your eyeball, you will also notice these specks move about and if your attempt to look directly at them, they will tend to disappear from your sight. While, in most cases, floaters do not pose any significant threat to an individual’s overall vision, they can be quite an irritation – distracting someone from focusing on a particular object. However, noticing a sudden increase in the number of specks within the eye is a concern as it could be a sign of damage to the internal structure of the eye. The vitreous humor, which is the jelly like substance contained in the eyeball. The substance is more than 98 percent water, but about four times more viscous and acts as a shock absorber whenever the eye is pushed out of shape. While they pose no significant danger, in the event that the retina either becomes detached or has a hole in it, you will experience flashing lights and notice a number of floaters. This will then be followed by a loss of vision. Urgent medical attention and surgery may be required in this instance.

Natural Treatment

Given the fact that most eye floaters will eventually dissolve back into the liquid from which they are formed, ignorance is one way of dealing with them. However, you could also try a number of home remedies that have been developed all around the world in order to help clear eye floaters. It is important that you consult your doctor about any treatments, natural or otherwise, that you are interested in. Try and get as much information as possible on the benefits as well as health risks involved. Antioxidants are known to help significantly in the treatment of eye floaters and rich sources of vitamin A, E and C, when included in the diet, will all prove to be effective. Hemp oil is known to contain a balanced amount of omega 3 fatty acids – thereby making it one of the most effective options when attempting to treat eye floaters. Taurine is another antioxidant that helps dissolve any waste that accumulates in the eye.

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