Spinal Yoga Postures For Back

By Patricia | December 10, 2008
Yoga Poses To Ease Spinal Tension

Are All Spinal Yoga Postures Good For Back

Well, how well someone can do spinal yoga postures or who should avoid which spinal postures, depends entirely on one’s level of fitness, back problems and how long one has done yoga before. Those who are novices in yoga will need to begin slowly and work on easier postures and easier back exercises before attempting more complicated back bends and spinal poses. Those with a bad back or certain back injuries will have to consult a yoga teacher and find out which exercises they cannot do. There are certain yoga postures that they will be advised against.

In general, yoga is highly recommended for relief. Yoga provides relief from pain, increases flexibility and strength and teaches you to relax. Studies have shown that yoga can be incorporated in the treatment plan while curing back and neck injuries. Meditation and breathing exercises can help people relax and this in turn, can decrease pain.

Spinal poses can be safe but depending upon the type of medical problem you have, certain postures may need to be avoided. Here are a few examples:

  • Those who suffer from advanced spinal stenosis are advised against postures like back bends which extend the spine.
  • Those with cervical spine disease shouldn’t do shoulder stands and headstands.

You need to work with a good yoga teacher and speak to a doctor before you begin doing spinal postures, especially if you have some medical problem.

Some Back Postures That Can Help You: If you do not have any back problems, then you may attempt spinal postures like back bends. Begin slowly and add more postures as you become more confident with yoga. Back bends are good spinal postures that help you to become more supple and strong. These postures stretch and strengthen your back; aligns the spine; and, frees the spine from built up tension.

But as you do back bends, remember that initially do not hold the position for too long. Since the back is a sensitive area, over exertion can cause problems. Spinal postures like back bends open up the chest, energize the body and improves breathing. These also stimulate the digestive and the reproductive system as well as the abdomen and kidneys.

Here Is A List Of Some Of The Most Common Back Bends:

  • Standing back bends
  • Bridge pose
  • Sphinx posture
  • Upward Facing Do posture
  • Cobra posture
  • Cat posture

It’s very important to consult a yoga teacher and do spinal postures under the teacher’s guidance. Doing a spinal posture in a wrong way isn’t safe.

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