Home Remedies For Rapid Hair Growth

By Patricia | November 6, 2009

Treatment For Rapid Hair Growth

For any remedy to effectively impact your hair growth, you have to follow a routine hair-care regime. The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you lead a healthy life-style. This means that you will have to eat well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, sleep for eight hours everyday, and lead a stress-free life. If there is any kind of imbalance in any of these, the first thing to be impacted will be your hair and skin. So, try and get your lifestyle in place first.

Along with that, follow a routine that concentrates on your hair. The one thing that you must do is massage warm oil into your scalp 2-3 hours before you shampoo your hair. This oil can be olive oil, castor oil, mustard oil, almond oil, or coconut oil. If you have the time, you can also wrap your head in a damp but hot towel. The heat from the towel helps in opening the pores in your scalp, thereby helping the massaged oil slide in to the roots of your hair shaft and nourishing them. If you do not have the time to oil your hair before a bath, than make it a point to massage the oil into your scalp the previous night before you go to sleep.

Apart from these regular oils, once a week oil your hair with some of the essential aroma oils. In fact, there is a blend made up entirely of these oils that is highly effective for hair growth. In a small bowl mix a few drops of basil oil, rosemary oil, and lavender oil in equal proportions. Add two teaspoons of burdock oil to this along with two teaspoons of aloe vera gel. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and then massage this mixture into your scalp 2-3 hours before washing your hair with a mild shampoo. A natural conditioner that will also promote hair growth is a mixture of one whole egg, freshly squeezed juice of one medium sized lime, and a tablespoon of olive, almond or coconut oil. Apply this to your scalp, and wash it off only after 3-4 hours. This will give it enough time to reach the hair shafts and nourish the hair from its roots. Apply this mixture to your scalp every fortnight without fail to increase hair growth and keep your hair healthy. Remember to massage your scalp gently at least twice a day as this helps to stimulate circulation and increases hair growth.

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