Aligning Your Body By Practicing Vinyasa Yoga

By Patricia | May 14, 2009
Vinyasa Yoga Poses

The core elements of vinyasa yoga poses

The core elements of Vinyasa yoga postures are the Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) poses. The Sun Salutation is a fluid series of poses that are preformed in quick succession, one after the other, in such a way that one pose flows into the next. How long you hold each pose, as well as the pace of the flow could differ between individuals and Yoga classes. However, one thing remains constant: all movements are done with synchronized breathing. Given below are some of the Vinyasa Yoga poses which make up Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). This will, probably, give you a better idea of what the core elements of Vinyasa yoga poses involve.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

  1. Stand with your both feet touching each other.
  2. Raise your toes, twitch and tweak them a bit, then drop them again. This will help create a solid base. You can separate your ankles knock if they together.
  3. Draw your quadriceps up, with both feet rooted into your mat. This will help you raise your kneecaps.
  4. Turn both thighs inwards to help widen your sit bones. These, are literally the bones under your buttocks, on which you sit.
  5. Draw your stomach in slightly, and open up your the collarbones
  6. Try to align your pelvis and shoulders

This Vinyasa Yoga pose is harder than it sounds but it will help get your body into the perfect alignment.

Urdhva Hastasana (Raised Hands Pose)

  1. From Tadasana (Mountain Pose), raise your arms out to your sides then upwards
  2. Press your palms together then straighten your arms and gaze up at your thumbs
  3. Widen your shoulder blades, first back then down
  4. See that you continue maintaining your alignment

This Vinyasa Yoga pose is very good for freeing up your shoulders.

Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

  1. From Urdhva Hastasana (Raised Hands Pose), reach your arms out to your sides, while bending forward
  2. See that you bend from your hips rather and not from your back
  3. Touch the floor, press your palms into your mat and line your fingertips up with your toes.
  4. Tighten, and then loosen your quadriceps. The more you use them, the looser and softer you will beĀ  making your hamstrings.
  5. Carry all your body weight on the balls of your feet. See that your hips remain right on top of your ankles
  6. Now drop your head your head forward and down.

This Vinyasa Yoga pose is very good for your upper legs

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