Treating Acne With Yoga For Healthy Skin

By pal | September 2, 2008
Treating Acne With Yoga For Healthy Skin

Acne is a skin condition wherein the pores of the body get blocked mainly due to bacteria, oil secretion and dead skin cells. It is usually seen on the face, back and chest area. The stage at which acne arises is during puberty and increases at adolescence.

Women have acne eruptions during menstruation, pregnancy. During the menses, the acne is seen in the lower face, jaw line, chin and the back region. It appears one week before the periods and generally, young girls feel sad above these acne eruptions. However, the point to be noted is that this acne can be cured and that is occurs for some hormonal reasons, so there is no need to feel sad or embarrassed by these acne outbreaks.

In fact, high stress levels in women can aggravate the acne levels. Hence, special care through yoga, meditation, dietary changes can make one cope with these conditions. The first step to be kept in mind is keeping the skin clean throughout the day. Wash your face two-three times with a mild anti-bacterial face wash. Make sure it is not too harsh on your skin. If needed, consult a dermatologist before buying a face-wash.

Yoga asanas for Acne

Supta Vajrasana (The Supine Thunderbolt Pose)

The first step to attain the Supine Thunderbolt Pose is sit upright by resting your knees and toes on the floor and then place your palms on the knees. The next stage is to relax the neck muscles and lower your head backwards towards the floor. Take the elbows towards the waist, rest the head backwards towards the floor. Try to sleep normally and at the same time shift your elbows towards the soles by stretching your hands on the floor at the side of your body. Slowly, raise the right hand and place it under the left shoulder. While doing this, lift your head a little to adjust accordingly. Again raise your head and push your left hand below the right shoulder to make it a crossed structure. Rest your head on this ‘X’ shaped folded hands. Maintain this position for 1-5 minutes till you can handle it comfortably. Gradually, remove your hands from below your head and keep them to the side of your body. With the help of your elbow, raise your body and sit again in the Vajrasana (The Thunderbolt Pose).

Pavan Muktasana (The Wind-Free Pose)

Lie down on the floor with your face towards the ceiling and back touching the ground. The whole body should be in a straight line and palms touching the floor by the side of the thighs. Raise both your legs and slowly bend them on the knees. Move both the legs towards the chest and hold the right knee with the left palm and the left knee with the right palm. Try to be in this position for 3-5 minutes till you can hold on comfortably.

Apart from this yoga asana, Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is also beneficial for acne related problems.

Diet plays an important for acne during periods. Don’t eat foods you are allergic to and drink lots of water which helps to remove toxins from the body. These small steps of action and precaution will help cure acne and reduce the same to a great extent. Understand that an acne skin condition is a temporary phase and can be dealt with. Increasing stress due to these factors will only worsen the problem. Therefore, keep a cool head and a positive approach to cure your acne.

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