Withdraw Marijuana (THC) From System

By Patricia | March 25, 2010

THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. This is an active substance that is found in the cannabis plant and is widely known by the name marijuana. It is being consumed by many especially teenagers for pleasure. It has very low solubility in water which means it cannot be dissolved easily in water but is easily dissolved and stored in the body’s fat. This makes it difficult in flushing it out and these can stay in the body for a month or more than that. The effects of consuming THC include a short term memory loss, dizziness, anxiety and if you have been using it for a long time, it can lead to some serious disorders related to behavior.

Natural Detoxification Of Marijuana

The best way to detoxify your body is to lead a healthy life and exercise along with certain products that help flush out the drug. The first and foremost thing you should do is burn all the fat in your body since THC is stored in the fat cells. Therefore, sweat it all out by doing heavy cardio exercises, biking, jogging or just any normal exercises. However, you need to be very patient with this method as the results will not be seen immediately neither will it completely eradicate the toxin from your body. This would only help fasten the rate of the process of flushing it out. Indulging in a steam bath or sauna after your exercises might also be of great help. However this should be followed after doing the exercises and not as a substitute to them. Having 100 percent natural cranberry juice may help in this process but may not necessarily be effective.

There are a lot of myths about treating THC which ultimately do not have the desired results. People might drink a lot of water before undergoing a drug test so that the results are normal but that does not help. It is said that vinegar does not throw the toxin out of your body but just helps in balancing the PH content present in the urine. Diuretics like coffee, beer, iced tea, juices, beer and soft drinks are recommended as they enable you to urinate often thus, removing the toxins from your body. However, this is not effective and has a rather temporary effect. If you have to clear the marijuana drug test, it is of utmost importance that you detoxify it completely and this possible only with the help of certain capsules or herbs in combinations.

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