Effects of Pranayam

(August 17, 2008)

What are the physiological effects of pranayam in respiratory system?


Pranayam (yoga breathing) involves controlling the respiratory functions of the body which is generally involuntary under the human control. We live because we breathe. But there are certain breathing techniques which if properly done can bring about energy, cheerfulness and improve the health of the individual. We breathe in through the nose and the lungs function in retaining the breath and it is later exhaled. The breathing process depends on the health of the heart and lungs. If these are organs are healthy then breathing can occur normally. Thus in normal breathing inhalation and exhalation is not connected with the mind and hence it is not controlled. Moreover inhalation and exhalation does not occur in correct duration of time. Sometimes inhalation occurs for more period of time than the exhalation. In pranayam, the breathing procedure is connected with the mind and hence there is specific duration of breathing. This helps in making a healthy body. The person becomes cheerful and can help in managing various disorders


Pranayam helps in improving the supply of the oxygen. It can immensely improve the functioning of the lungs and initiate the proper way of breathing. It can thus provide a sense of well being and help to maintain a healthy heart. It prevents the development of various respiratory disorders. It helps in the management of respiratory disorders if an individual is already suffering from it.


It keeps the body young and assists in weight loss. It improves the quality of blood and can enhance the mental health. Certain pranayam exercise like Alom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing technique), Bhastrika (bellows), Kapalbhati (Frontal lobe cleansing technique), Ujjayi (Hissing breath), Shitali pranayama (Cooling breath) are carried out for good results. Certain exercises can improve the respiratory system:


Kapalbhati (Frontal lobe cleansing technique): This technique is beneficial for the respiratory system. In Kapalbhati, the nostrils get flared up and the air is expelled and pushed through the nose. The constant pushes can improve the efficiency of the muscles that are involved in breathing. It can also remove the impurities from the breathing tube.


Bhastrika (Bellows Breath): This technique is useful to cure nose, chest disease and asthma. Bellows breath can push in energy and life force into the body system. Bellows breath can also improve the lung capacity and can make the respiratory system strong and efficient.


Ujjayi (Hissing breath): Hissing breath technique can cure asthma. This type of technique can open the alveoli in the lungs thus allowing the lung to absorb more oxygen.


Shitali Pranayam (Cooling breath): This breathing technique provides a cooling effect in the body.


Thus pranayam helps to improve the respiratory system and assists the individual to breathe correctly.

Submitted by R J on August 17, 2008 at 11:09

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