Leg Blisters Due To Poor Blood Circulation Symptoms & Home Treatment

By Patricia | April 8, 2010

I have blisters on my leg due to my poor blood circulation problem, can you suggest me some home treatment for both?

Leg blisters and blood circulation problems are correlated where a poor blood circulation in the legs leads to formation of blisters where in a skin tissue can get ulcerated because of lack of poor blood supply. Blisters are a tiny pocket of fluid that is trapped in between the upper layers of the skin. Blisters are generally caused due to some skin injury such as a sun burn, friction or chemical burn, skin cold exposure or even crushing and pinching. There are also certain other diseases or medical conditions that can lead to causing blisters. They are chicken pox, eczema and dermatitis to name a few. Wearing of high heel shoes or ill fitting shoes is also a very common cause for formation of blisters. The primary cause for circulation problem is the peripheral vascular disease. Other causes for improper blood circulation in the leg could be due to obesity, an imbalanced diet, smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, lack of physical activity, high cholesterol level and so on. People suffering from diabetes are more prone to getting blisters than others. Leg blisters may or may not be painful but sometimes may cause a burning or itching sensation. The symptoms include a rash, redness brown discoloration or a dry, scaly skin.

Treatment For Blood Circulation

The first and foremost thing is to identify the cause for improper blood circulation and then take the right treatment. Blisters can be controlled easily by wearing comfortable and good quality fitting shoes. Try and avoid sitting in a cramped position for long periods of time and always keep your legs in motion. Avoid alcohol and quit smoking completely. A healthy diet and exercises can go a long way in curbing the situation. Drink lots of fluids and eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C helps improve the blood circulation especially guavas, red sweet peppers, broccoli, all fresh fruits and vegetables especially leafy vegetables. If you are overweight, it is advised that you concentrate on shedding it as that is another reason for improper blood circulation and losing weight also helps in curing leg blisters. To improve blood circulation in legs, take two buckets, one filled with hot water and salt and the other with cold water. First soak your legs in the hot water bucket for a minute and then in cold water for 30 seconds. Keep doing this for 8 to 10 minutes every day. In case your blisters worsen, it is advised you consult a specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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