Exercise and Treatment for UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and Urinary Incontinence

By Patricia | September 30, 2009

Urinary incontinence – or the lack of control over ones own bladder is a very common occurrence, but is rarely openly discussed as it could potentially be a source of much social embarrassment for the affected individual. While most people assume that the condition is a sign of old age and is present in elders, it can affect people at any age. It is also important to remember that if the condition has a longer effect than simply being inconvenient as bladder problems; it could be caused by an underlying illness that might need to be investigated, in order to permanently correct the problem. Women are more likely to suffer from urinary incontinence as a result of the relative ease with which bacteria can access the urinary tract. In cases like this, were the incontinence is a direct result of bacterial infection, the only time the incontinence will be completely cured is when the infection has been cured. A few of the more common classifications of urinary incontinence include stress urinary incontinence, where the problem is a result of the insufficient strength of the pelvic floor muscles and would normally result in the loss of small amounts of urine while performing actions like coughing, sneezing or laughing. A person may also suffer from urge inconsistency where there is an involuntary loss of urine for an unknown reason, as the urge to urinate is quite sudden and unexpected.

Kegel Exercises For Urinary Incontinence

One of the most successful ways of treating this condition (when there is no underlying medical condition causing it) is to strengthen the pelvic muscles. You could do so by performing kegel exercises, where you focus on the muscles used to start and stop the flow of urine and squeeze them together while you count to ten and release. Repeat the process gradually till the point you achieve fifty repetitions. Devil’s claw is an herb that is known to help strengthen the bladder while herbs like skullcap and St. John’s wart help significantly in relaxing the nervous system. Dandelion is known to strengthen the kidneys as well as in helping them function more effectively and efficiently. These herbs can be used in a number of home remedies to treat the condition. If you smoke, here is another reason why you should do away with the habit. Nicotine tends to irritate the bladder and the cough experienced for heavy smokers could also play a significant role in stress incontinence. You must also make it a point to avoid drinking liquids such as coffee, tea and carbonated drinks as they tend to irritate the bladder as well. Limiting the overall amount of liquids you drink will decrease any physiological needs.

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