How To Delay Your Period | Menstrual Cycle | Without Contraceptive

By Patricia | April 29, 2010

Is there any natural medicine to delay menstrual cycle, what could be the side effects if I use it?

The menstrual cycle is typically 28 days long as is the cycle of a woman’s reproductive system. During the cycle, the ovaries release an egg which passes through the fallopian tubes and, when not fertilized, is released along with the lining of the uterus at the end of the cycle. In case of fertilization, the egg implants itself in the uterus. The end of the cycle is the period of menstruation when the uterus lining and blood are passed out of the body.

Natural Ways

Many women suffer from complications either with their ovaries or with the level of hormones in their bodies. A disorder like polycystic ovarian disorder could cause highly irregular and painful periods for a woman. Other hormonal imbalance issues will cause fluctuations in the duration and intensity of the period. However, most women will have a relatively predictable period during their reproductive years and can therefore plan their lives accordingly. It is never recommended to try and pre pone or postpone a period as this involves affecting the balance that your body has managed to create for itself. By doing so, you risk affecting this balance permanently which is not a desirable outcome. There are many remedies that can be directly linked to postponing a period. However, there is no known medication that can hasten the onset of a period. Some natural remedies do exist but their effects have not been absolutely proved.

Some people suggest that you should consume papaya fruit. Folklore in many Asian and African countries suggests that green papayas are good for their contraceptive qualities and can stimulate an abortion. Papayas can be tried if you wish to hasten the onset of your period. Other fruits suggested for the same effect include pineapples and watermelon. Both of these, however, do not have any significant data supporting their effect on the menstrual cycle of a woman. Sesame seeds are suggested in some cultures to bring forward the period of menstruation.

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