Symptoms & Diet for Constipation

By Patricia | July 21, 2009

The symptoms seem to indicate that you are mildly constipated. Constipation occurs as a result of a low-fiber diet, improper water intake, and not defecating when you body tells you to. The method of dealing with this condition is to ensure that the causes are addressed, and just to help you along the way, a laxative may be administered as well. To reiterate that you have a mild case of it right now, this condition can get a lot worse if you do not rectify it soon. In the worst case of constipation, you could end up with a case of a herniated rectum or hemorrhoids. Both of these are very painful indeed.

Diet and Causes

Low-fiber in the diet is one of the leading causes for constipation. Fiber is basically a material that cannot be digested, but has the power to hold water in it. Most folks with a largely non-vegetarian diet tend to have a low-fiber diet and correspondingly end up with more constipation problems. Fiber cannot be digested so it forms a fecal transport mechanism, much like a wagon – that can only be used once. The main source of dietary fiber is whole-wheat foods, grains and cereals. Legumes are also a good source of dietary fiber. While fiber is important, it is no use having fiber in your diet to help excretion, if you do not consume an adequate amount of water along with your food. It is extremely important for your digestive system that whatever you ingest is in a proper liquid form otherwise it will just be rejected. Make it a point to drink at least two glasses of water along with your food or afterwards to avoid constipation. Feces that are dehydrated and hard are nearly impossible for the body to excrete so water is an important part. Finally, answering the call of nature on time and not putting that call on hold will have its effect on your colon. When digestion is complete, the food passes through the colon where excess water is absorbed and then it ends up in the rectum where it is stored for release. The muscles in your sphincter send a signal to your brain when your rectum is full and ready to eject material. If you do not defecate at this time, the fecal material will go back into the colon and some more dehydration will occur – causing further constipation.


Treating any pain during defecation involves the use of a laxative. Try to eat some spicy food, eat larger quantities as well, and finally, have a laxative like Aloe Vera juice.

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