Home Remedies For UTI In Children

By Patricia | October 28, 2009

A considerably foul odor in the urine of a child is a rather common occurrence ad one of the most prominent signs of the presence of a urinary tract infection. The condition is more likely to occur in children and women than compared to adults and men. Urinary tract infections will affect almost about 2 to 5 % of all small children and the chances of the infection being recurrent exist in about 3% of all children. The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra and the infection could start of in any of these locations. Infections of the kidneys, or pyelonephritis, are rather more serious and imply the possibility of an underlying predisposing structural problem.

The existence of a urinary tract infection is more serious in a child than when compared to the occurrence in adults as they would generally indicate the possibility of an abnormality in their urinary tracts. Normal urine contains no bacteria. However, at times, some bacteria may move into the urinary tract and the urine from the skin around the rectum and genitals by travelling up the urethra and into the bladder. If this were to happen, the bacteria can infect and inflame the bladder thereby causing a significant amount of swelling and pain in the lower abdominal areas or the sides of the body. Children that frequently avoid or postpone the emptying of their bladders are at a higher risk of contracting urinary tract infections as regular urination helps keep the urinary tract sterile by constantly flushing away any bacteria. The buildup of urine within the body only serves to help the bacteria to grow.

Home Remedies

If your child is affected by a urinary tract infection, it is best that you visit the local pediatrician to understand and correctly diagnose the reason for the occurrence. This is also important as only medical tests will b able to clarify if the infection is a result of the abnormal construction of certain organs in the urinary tract. You should also make sure that your child drinks plenty of water throughout the course of the day. A mixture of about ½ a teaspoon of baking soda with about eight ounces of water will be extremely helpful in treating the condition. Also make your daughter drink considerable amounts of cranberry juice as it has a property that prevents the growth of bacteria also preventing it from settling anywhere in the bladder –making it a very good remedy in dealing with urinary tract infections.

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