Home Remedies & Tips To Get Rid Of Boils In Armpits

By Patricia | June 5, 2009

What remedies I can use at home to treat boils in armpits?

The skin is the outer protective layer of the human body. The entire body is covered in skin which differs from part to part depending on its application. The skin protects the body from foreign objects, infections and diseases. The skin is also used as a device for the process of thermoregulation. The human body is thermo regulated and tends to maintain its temperature within a set range of temperatures around 98 degrees Fahrenheit. The skin, because of its location on the outside of the body, is susceptible to infections and diseases. This means that the skin has to be tough and hardy to fight against these conditions. In some situations, the skin may become infected because of repeated or excessive exposure. Sometimes, the exposure may be mild but the skin may already be compromised and may therefore get infected. When the infection occurs deep inside the skin, it causes the skin to become red and sore. Gradually, this red, sore skin develops into a boil. A boil is thin walled bulb of skin that is filled with a whitish, often clear fluid. This fluid is made up of cells that are used to fight an infection.

Another type of boil is a friction injury type boil. This boil occurs when a part of the skin rubs against an abrasive surface for long periods of time. Tennis rackets, squash rackets and badminton rackets are often the cause of such problems. This type of boil may also be infected. This infection happens when the abrasion causes the skin to lose its ability to fight the infection. Once this happens, the skin may become affected and develop into a boil. Boils may sometimes occur as a result of hair follicles that get impacted and infected.

As boils grow, they become more and more tender. The boil will reach a stage where mild pressure will cause it to burst. This can occur spontaneously or surgically. When a boil bursts, it leaks its fluid out. At this time, the individual should treat the area with antiseptic which will help to prevent further infection of the area. Antiseptic will also kill some of the infectious material present in the damaged area.

A boil under the armpit is caused by hair follicles that get infected. Hair tends to grow on the skin all over the human body. Hair grows particularly thick in some areas of the body. The armpit and the groin are examples of areas where hair grows in thick clumps. This hair itself is thicker and curlier than hair that grows on other parts of the skin like the arm, for example. The armpit is also an area where perspiration takes place at a greater rate than other parts of the body. The armpits sometimes suffer from a lack of ventilation. This makes them a prime target for opportunistic bacterial and fungal infections. The cause behind armpit boils is usually a bacterial infection that has affected the sweat glands or the hair follicles. Armpit boils are extremely uncomfortable as they often make it difficult for the individual to hang his or her hands down normally because of the constriction within the pit. Furthermore, such individuals may suffer from difficulty while walking as the boil may rub against the skin and cause pain.

An armpit boil is likely to spawn multiple boils because of the nature of the location. As the boil is rubbed, it may burst externally or internally and spread its infectious material to other parts of the pit.

When considering armpit boil treatment, one should focus on home care to reduce the effect of the problem in the first place. The first step for boil in the armpit treatment is to clean the area thoroughly. Some people may shave or cut the armpit hair to allow for better ventilation. The use of dusting powders including anti-bacterial powder is recommended in such a situation as it helps to prevent abrasion damage and can also help with humidity in the area. Dusting powder is one of the most effective home remedies for boils under the armpits. By keeping an armpit boil cool and dry, one can give it its best chance of recovering on its own. Other home remedies for boils under the armpits include the use of hot and cold compresses. These can even be alternated if desired. The changing temperature in the area causes the body to deploy more blood to heat or cool the area, depending on the nature of the temperature change. When this happens, the healing process can be speeded up. Dietary problems are often linked to boils all over the body. An individual suffering from boils should modify the diet to include plenty of fluids and plenty of nutritious fruits. These will help to improve digestion and may also help to cleanse the body of infections. As this happens, the boil may recover. The change of dietary habits is essential as a preventative action to ensure that boils do not form repeatedly. Good hygiene is also important when one wishes to deal with boils under the armpits. Regular washing and cleaning of the area will remove infectious materials from the skin surface. The gentle massaging of the skin during washing may also help the circulation to the area. Care should be taken to avoid excessive rubbing and hard rubbing.

If the boil is chronic, particularly large or painful, the help of a doctor may be needed for treatment. This is because an armpit boil may not be caused by simple factors as those that have been described above. It is possible that the boil is related to some deeper underlying problem. The nature of the boil is also important. Some boils, by virtue of their shape and characteristics can be used to diagnose more serious medical conditions that affect the individual. Therefore, a visit to a doctor may be recommended as this will enable the testing of the body to check why the condition has happened in the first place.

Armpit boils are caused due to bacterial growth in the hair follicle or sweat gland. These types of boils usually surface around the face, armpits and groin area. A blocked pore or gland with accumulated dirt, dust or sweat leads to pus formation. The pus formed later causes redness, swelling and pain. Armpit boils are particularly painful because they limit hand movement and brushing against the boil can worsen the condition. Gastrointestinal bacteria present in the bloodstream are known to cause such blockages, apart from wrong dietary habits that aggravate the boil condition.

Pus filled boils are best kept clean and dry to ensure speedy recovery. Pressing or squeezing can spread the infection and cause multiple boils. Therefore, it is important to keep the area clean and dry always. Simple home remedies can help treat the boils effectively. Alternate use of a hot compress followed by an ice pack helps increase blood flow and reduces infection. Applying a paste of turmeric powder and red sandalwood is also ideal to heal the boil. Gently swabbing the area with warm salt water swabs can help clean the area and reduce bacterial growth. Using clean towels and maintaining adequate personal hygiene helps reduce chances of boils.

Dietary habits are also one of the main causes that lead to boils or carbuncles. Reducing intake of sugars is helpful in reducing chances of boils and pustules. It is also important to increase intake of dietary fibers, whole grains, yogurt and dairy products which ensure natural goodness to skin and system health. Fresh fruits and vegetable juices are ideal foods to flush toxins and maintain healthy skin. Avoid carbonated drinks, tea, coffee and alcohol until armpit boil reduces. Maintaining adequate hygiene is also important to avoid such situations. If you are prone to excessive sweating it is advisable to take warm baths at least twice a day. This helps eliminate chances of dirt and sweat accumulating in hair follicles or glands. Avoid harsh skin care products such as soaps, deodorants until the boil subsides. This ensures chemicals do not aggravate the condition. It is also important to avoid tight fitted clothing and use comfortable cotton clothing until armpit boils subside. Boils usually take ten to fifteen days to heal and do not usually require a visit to the doctor. It is important to consult a medical practitioner if boils of any type are accompanied by fever.

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