Ganglion Cyst Tendon: Causes & Treatment

By Patricia | July 9, 2009


A ganglion cyst is a cyst that occurs on the joints of the body – mostly occurring on the wrist. A cyst itself is not dangerous or harmful in anyway and not treating it would not lead to any problems unless it starts to grow in size or hampers movement of the joint. A cyst cannot be removed by a home remedy and if it has to be removed, must be done surgically.

Aspiration And Treatment

A ganglion cyst usually contains synovial fluid, a fluid that is often found in the joints as a lubricating fluid for the joints. The governing theory for the cause of the cyst is that a variation in the tendon or the joint causes the cyst to develop. Yet another theory is that some kind of physical trauma to the joint causes an aberrant healing and a cyst to form. Sometimes, multiple cysts can also form and they are usually connected by a stalk that feeds liquid into the cysts. In some instances, the cyst will form and then reduce in size to disappear but this is just a temporary deflation of the liquid and as long as the harder structures of the cyst remain, a ganglion cyst will reappear. A ganglion cyst like most other cysts can be removed by surgically excising or aspirating the cyst. Aspiration is the medical term for puncturing and draining a swelling that is filled with liquid. This is usually performed on deep abscesses or edemas. Aspiration is however not an effective treatment against a cyst, as again the fundamental structure of the cyst is intact. Surgically excising the cyst is the best method of removing the cysts and this ensures that there is no chance of the problem recurring.


Since there is no particular reason for a ganglion cyst to occur and much of the reason why it exists is a mystery, there is very little in the form of home remedies that can be administered. There is some anecdotal evidence that a ganglion cyst can be treated with a heat application but this would be incorrect as this form of treatment is for bringing abscesses to the surface of the skin. The only cyst with which this form of treatment is possible is with a sebaceous cyst. A sebaceous cyst is a cystic formation that is connected to the sebaceous glands. These cysts contain sebum and tend to turn solid when outside the body. Applying heat to this type of cyst causes the sebum to melt and return to it liquid state from which it is reabsorbed into the body.

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