Homemade Solutions For Natural Eye Wash

By Patricia | October 29, 2009

One of the unfortunate things about home remedies is that they cannot be an all in one cure and it is best that you take different herbs for different symptoms. This is the basic problem with recommending herbal eyewash. Usually, a really effective eyewash is one that is tailor made to remove an offending object or substance in the eye and this largely depends on what goes into your eye in the first place. What can be prescribed is a series of rules that you can follow to remove material from your eye.

There are very few substances that will not irritate your eye, but one that wont is your own tears. Inducing tear production or lacrimation is the best bet because your own tears are the best eyewash. However, sometimes this may not be adequate especially when there is some solid object stuck in the eye. Usually, this is what happens in most cases. Therefore, whenever something irritates your eyes, to the point where tears are not adequate, the first thing that you need to do is wash your eyes with water. Run some water over your open eye and lift both eyelids to ensure that all the debris is flushed out. Close your eyes after this, you will notice that your eye irritation would gradually go away. Sometimes, a slip in the kitchen can send a condiment or a spice into your eye. If something like pepper or garlic ends up in your eye, then you need to take some alcohol and drop it into your eye. Vodka will be the best choice for this. Alcohol is a solvent and can displace any oil-based irritant that comes into contact with your eye. If the irritation to your eye is from some kind of allergic reaction, where you suddenly start to blink uncontrollably, your eyes turn red, and maybe even swell up, immediately take some ice cubes in a towel and place it on your eye. Cold compresses are the best way to suppress an inflammatory response. Wash your eyes after that by dropping some milk into it.

Some over-the-counter eye washes are marketed as drops to prevent tired eyes. An easier way to deal with tired eyes is to take a break from the vision-intensive activity that you are doing and sit in a dark room or just cover your eyes to ensure no light is seen. This will dilate your pupils; thereby, relaxing the muscles of the pupils.

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