Home Remedies For Delayed Menstruation

By Patricia | June 20, 2009

A twenty-five day delay in your wife’s menses would normally indicate that she is pregnant. This can be confirmed by an over the counter pregnancy test. However, if she is above the age of forty-five then she is probably in her menopause when menstruation no longer happens.

Menstruation is the process where a woman sheds her endometrium or lining of the uterus. This lining is created every month and is created to facilitate pregnancy. Generally, after ovulation, if the egg has not been fertilized then the endometrium is destroyed by the body and discarded. This is true of mammals like humans and chimpanzees. In other mammals, the endometrium is reabsorbed into the body in what is known as an estrous cycle. The menstrual cycle happens nearly every month and the dates are usually fixed for one month after the onset of the first period. Over time, this date can waver from date to date depending on a woman’s hormonal balance at the time. It is in fact postulated by some scientists, that the shedding of the endometrium is something that does not have to happen every month and if a woman were to have her period just once in three months, it would be fine. However, this is rarely accepted by patients and menses are sometimes induced for the peace of mind of the patient.

Home remedies

There are some traditional remedies that can be used at home to induce a period; however, this should only be attempted if you are absolutely sure that your wife is not pregnant. Therefore, it is imperative that you conduct a home pregnancy test at the earliest before trying any of the following remedies. One of the strategies to employ is the addition of estrogen artificially with a plant variant called phytoestrogen. This can be obtained from most seeds like Almond, Cashew, and other kind of nuts. Alcohol is also a great source of phtyoestrogens, especially bourbon and beer. Eating papaya is so powerful a stimulant that most women who are pregnant are told to avoid it as it can cause an abortion. This however, works to induce a period as well when one is not pregnant. A diet that is high in protein is also important, as sometimes the body will not release the endometrium if malnutrition is the cause of a hormonal imbalance. Clove oil is also a useful addition to the diet as well as the addition of iron through spinach and onions.

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