What Is a Transcendental Meditation Technique?

By Patricia | June 15, 2009
Transcendental Meditation

The transcendental meditation technique was developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1957. This technique is a form of ‘mantra meditation’. It has been widely viewed as a procedure in which the mind quiets itself by practicing a mantra, or a chant. This chant could be any sound that has no specific meaning. The sound however when chanted over and over again, diverts the attention of the chanting individual to a state of mental quietness.

There are millions of thoughts that pass through are mind every second. We ourselves are not aware of most of these thoughts. Imagine what happens when all these thoughts just disappear. It is then that you realize that thought it-self has been transcended.

The state of mind during transcendental meditation is unusually settled. The consciousness that is achieved—transcendental consciousness is pure and unadulterated in nature. This consciousness can also be easily regarded as the source of all creative thoughts and processes.

This meditation is based on the principle that as your body becomes extremely relaxed, all mental activity can be transcended by the human mind. When that happens, you can experience the purest and highest form of self awareness.

Many have gone through the experience of this meditation technique to revive their creative potential that lay dormant or latent. During the practice of this technique, the body gains a deep state of rest, which not only rejuvenates the body, but also the mind. During this state of complete rest and self awareness, you can actually rearrange the latent powers inside you that are important for success.

In the past twenty five odd years, hundreds of scientific studies of this meditation technique have been done. It has been found, after these extensive studies, that transcendental meditation has the power to affect all of the human life’s aspect. Transcendental meditation helps your mind, body, behavior, skills, and the general well being.

Traditional meditation requires the practitioner to attain a specific posture and to concentrate and contemplate. The practitioner is also expected to renounce the world if higher consciousness is desired.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi however, views the relationship of man with material as relative. Those who wish to practice Transcendental Meditation don’t have to be ascetic. They do not have to sit in different postures to practice this technique. Also, the mantra that is provided to the practitioner is a just a tool to rid oneself of all thoughts that seem to move around in the surface of our consciousness. It has no religious connotations.

Transcendental Meditation does not seek ‘Nirvana’ that the traditional meditation techniques seek. Instead, it just aims to discover the fountain of creative intelligence and that perhaps is the single greatest difference between the Transcendental Meditation and traditional meditation.

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