Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Methods For Enema at Home

By Patricia | November 13, 2009

Enema is a method employed to cleanse the colon. Enema is a bowel stimulant and works like any other laxative to relieve toxic build up due to constipation. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), chronic constipation or digestive disorders require an enema to clear the colon. Liquids or water is usually used in an enema to flush the toxins out of the intestinal tract. The intestinal tract accumulates toxins as a result of inadequate fiber in the diet, parasitic infections, constipation and irregular and unhealthy food intake. A feeling of bloating and discomfort are the key characteristics associated with constipation.

An enema helps relieve such stomach distress and restores the health of the intestinal tract. An enema must be used only as and when required. Repeated use of enema is not advisable. The enema must also be administered by understanding the procedure well to avoid damage to the rectum. It is necessary to exercise caution and care while inserting the tube inside the rectum. Forcing the tube can cause damage to the rectum leading to other rectal problems. Maintaining adequate hygiene is also important to avoid risk of infections. Rectal bleeding, hemorrhoids, blisters and a burning sensation are common problems associated with administering enema incorrectly.

Methods For Enema At Home:

Enema can be administered in hospitals or in the comfort of your own home. Natural home made enemas are also effective in cleansing the colon. Different types of home remedies include yoghurt enema, coffee enema, Epsom salt enema and the herbal enema. Epsom salt and yoghurt enema are orally digested. Yoghurt is known to produce healthy bacteria to aid the digestive process. Similarly Epsom salts also stimulate bowel movements and reduce risk of intestinal infections.

Colon Cleansing Diet

Enema and laxatives are short term strategies to resolve bowel disorders. A well balanced meal and a regular eating pattern can ensure a healthy digestive system. The digestion process also requires adequate fluid intake and moderate exercise to function effectively. Fiber plays as important role in easing constipation by bulking stools and reducing the pressure on the rectum. Whole grain breads, cereals, fruits with skin and leafy vegetables are great dietary sources of fiber. Having eight to ten glasses of water is also equally important to flush the toxins naturally. Certain foods that reduce the digestive powers of the digestive system are refined foods, sugars, sweets, cheese and pastries. Avoiding such foods and including raw foods and salads can help avoid digestive disorders. Moderate exercises such as walking, cycling, swimming or jogging can also help reduce chances of bowel disorders.

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