Symptoms of Bacterial Infections

By Patricia | April 9, 2010

Bacteria are living things made up of a single cell. They reside everywhere and are present in thousands most of which do not cause you any harm. On the other hand, they help in the digestion of food, destroy cells that cause diseases in the body and give the body the required vitamins. They are also used in the formation of healthy foods such as yogurt and cheese. You will be surprised to know that less than 1percent of the bacteria can cause illness or diseases and they are called as pathogens. These infectious bacteria can grow rapidly in your system and release a lot of chemicals which are toxins that can damage tissues making you sick.


Symptoms of bacterial infection generally include localized redness, heat, swelling and pain. In fact pain in the body is the most primary symptom of a bacterial infection especially pain in a particular part of the body. For example, if a cut occurs which is infected by bacteria it will start paining. Similarly, if infection is caused in the ear, that ear will experience pain. However, it is important to know that an infection that causes pus is not necessarily a bacterial infection.

Bacteria can cause a serious infection in the vagina which leads to a lot of itchiness and burning around the area, redness of the area and so on. The cause for this could be varied but may be due to an imbalance in the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina. This can be a very socially embarrassing situation as well. It also causes a number of skin and stomach infections. Gastroenteritis is a stomach infection and its symptoms are diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea, fever and headaches.

These pathogens enter your body through your nose, oral cavity, open wounds, eyes or genitalia. The transmission of these bacteria could be reduced by avoiding direct contact with those suffering, maintaining personal hygiene and also keeping a clean and sanitary environment. Also, eating a healthy and nutritious diet helps in building a strong immune system as it enables you to be in a better position to fight bacteria. In case of open wounds or cuts make sure that you clean the wound immediately with an antiseptic lotion and cover it as open wounds are major residing areas for bacteria. Wash your hands as often as possible especially before eating or preparing food and after going to the bathroom. Have a bath everyday and change your under garments everyday without fail to avoid any infection. However, if the infection persists for long, it is advised you check with the doctor for the same.

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