Molluscum Warts: How To Get Rid of Them?

By Patricia | February 18, 2010

Molluscum contagiosum or molluscum warts are a viral infection of the skin caused by a pox virus called molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV). More than being warts, these are dome-shaped and flesh-colored papules that are more commonly found in children as compared to adults. Molluscum warts are painless but highly contagious and spread with direct contact between the affected skin and the surrounding skin if scratched or rubbed. Also, if someone shares things like towels, bedding, or clothes with an affected person, he may get the infection too. These warts can spread till they are completely gone and usually resolve on their own in about a year. Some sufferers may however take more than a year and up to two years to get rid of them. The sufferer usually gets these warts on the body, arms and legs. They rarely affect one on palms or feet.

Mostly, treating these warts is considered unnecessary as it is a painless condition. However, it can be a source of embarrassment for the sufferer other than there being a risk of secondary infection, bleeding, itching and discomfort, and spreading to other people. Fortunately, once they leave the body completely, these warts do not recur like herpes, which becomes dormant only to raise its ugly head later. One can easily avoid molluscum warts by strengthening the immune system as the body will resist the virus. For that, one must maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid alcohol. Also, it’s necessary to keep the skin clean and dry at all times.

Molluscum Warts Treatments

The essential oil Australian lemon myrtle is known to be the most effective curer of molluscum warts. The oil is very strong so it needs to be diluted with olive oil before the application. Applying it once daily will get rid of most lesions in about a month’s time. Similarly, tea tree oil is also very effective in treating molluscum warts. This oil must also not be applied in concentrated form as it can harm sensitive skin. It can be mixed with olive oil, coconut oil or water. Another remedy is applying turpentine and then rubbing ice on the warts for about five minutes. Olive leaf extract is also very effective in getting rid of all kinds of viral and bacterial diseases., This contains oleuropein, which is a non toxic way of dealing with such troublemakers. Applying it on the warts once everyday will bring positive results in about a month.

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