Meditation Techniques To Help With Depression And Anxiety

By Patricia | October 21, 2008
Meditation Techniques To Help With Depression And Anxiety

Meditation is a therapeutic mental discipline which involves focusing the mind’s attention on a single point to achieve complete stillness of mind. Considering how active the human mind is at any point of time, achieving complete stillness is difficult. However it isn’t impossible. Here are the basic techniques of meditation. Follow these and the benefits will be visible:

Time and Place: Like any fitness routine, make time for meditation in your daily schedule. Fixed routines help the mind to adapt and accept practices. Similarly, find a calm spot to practice meditation. Tell your family and friends not to disturb you during this time. Switch off your phone. Remember if there is any distraction, the mind is bound to wander.

Posture: Holding the right posture is very important for effective meditation. Always hold your shoulders broad and keep your head and spine straight. This ensures proper breathing and normal functioning of internal organs.

Focus: Focusing on meditation and keeping the mind still are very important aspects of this practice. They are also the hardest. To make it easier, develop focus through concentrating on an image or chanting or on your breathing.

Breathe: Don’t forget to breathe! In everyday life, we resort to shallow breathes and barely utilize our lung capacity. Meditation requires you to breathe fully and advocates that you draw the breath from your abdomen and not just the chest.

Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation brings with it a number of benefits, the most useful of which is mental and emotional strength. Through regular practice of meditation we can easily combat stress and calm the mind. It is a known fact that stress breeds anxiety and depression. It creates a shadow of negativity, which strains both the mind and body, often resulting in high blood pressure, fatigue, severe depression, weakness, etc.

Through meditation you learn to focus the mind’s attention on a single point to achieve stillness. This helps calm and rejuvenate the system. Your mind learns how to rise above and detach from the on-going conflict. This gives the over worked mind (and body) the time to recover and recharge. Through meditation you also learn to refocus and channel mental energy away from the stressor and towards a more positivity. This enables you to handle and solve conflict more efficiently. Meditation makes you emotionally and mentally stronger. You are always in control of your mind and anxiety and depression can be held at bay.

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