Asanas for Tinnitus

(November 3, 2011)

My Father is 67 years old. He has Tinnitus (Ringing in the ear). Can you suggest asnas that can give relief to this problem?

Is Bikram Yoga For Tinnitus Really Works

There is no concrete evidence as yet as to whether practicing Bikram yoga for tinnitus really works. Yoga is considered as one of the natural ways by which you can treat tinnitus. The main reason behind this is that one of the causes of tinnitus is stress. Yoga, as is well known, helps to alleviate stress. By doing yoga, the symptoms of tinnitus decrease and this is why the practice of yoga is advocated in the treatment of tinnitus.  So while there is no proof as yet that doing Bikram yoga for tinnitus will help, there are other forms of yoga that can help deal with the problem of tinnitus. Yoga, will help to reduce the ringing sound that is associated with tinnitus but it may not cure the condition altogether. Yoga helps to bring the body into a state of relaxation and this could help the tinnitus sufferer as he or she is less likely to notice tinnitus noises. A trained instructor could help you to learn various poses that could induce this relaxed state. One recommended pose is Bidalasana (Cat Pose).

If you are concerned about Bikram yoga hearing loss, remember that Bikram yoga by itself will not cause any hearing loss. The high body temperature during the yoga class may be the reason behind the hearing loss.

Submitted by V A on November 3, 2011 at 12:45

Does Yoga Helps In Treating Tinnitus

Research has shown that tinnitus yoga exercises help in treating this condition. Bear in mind that one of the main triggers of tinnitus is stress and yoga is one of the best ways to deal with stress. Yoga is known to reduce stress and therefore is an effective way of dealing with the symptoms of this condition. Tinnitus yoga treatment will involve tinnitus yoga exercises that will relax the muscles around your head and neck. This will lead to a decrease in the noise. Keep in mind that the basis of yoga is relaxation. When practicing tinnitus yoga exercises, you are relaxing and settling the parts of the ear that cause the ringing and this is why yoga is helpful in treating the symptoms of tinnitus. However, do keep in mind that yoga alone will not cure tinnitus. Tinnitus yoga exercises will help to decrease the ringing sound in the ears but medical intervention will have to be sought as well. Once the real reason for tinnitus is determined, treatment can be started accordingly. Do approach a trained yoga instructor in order to learn the tinnitus yoga exercises that can help you. Once you have mastered them and are confident of them, you can practice these in the comfort of your own home.  


Submitted by S C on November 3, 2011 at 12:41

How To Reduce Tinnitus Naturally

There are many tinnitus natural remedies which one can use to treat this condition. Read on to find out about tinnitus natural cures. The foundation of tinnitus natural remedies lies in a change in lifestyle and diet. Processed foods, salt, sugar and saturated fat all tend to aggravate the symptoms of tinnitus. Therefore, such foods should be excluded from one’s diet. This will help in a quick recovery. Stimulants like tea, coffee, and so on will also help one to reduce tinnitus. Include foods that are rich in Vitamin A – like carrots. Stress is one of the main triggers for tinnitus and all measures should be taken to avoid stress. One of the best ways to relax is by doing yoga and this is another tinnitus home remedy that one can try. Even taking a brisk walk every day can help one to control this condition. Getting a good night’s sleep is also among tinnitus natural remedies. Tiredness is another trigger for this condition and this can be alleviated by taking adequate rest. Getting away from loud noise will also help in reducing the condition of tinnitus. Use ear plugs if it is not possible to avoid exposure to loud noises.

Submitted by G M on November 3, 2011 at 12:39

Which Yoga Asanas Are Effective In Treating Tinnitus?

Research has shown that practicing yoga for tinnitus does bring relief from the symptoms of this problem. However, do keep in mind that yoga poses for tinnitus will not cure tinnitus but will help to reduce the ringing sound associated with tinnitus. It is well known that tinnitus is brought on by stress and one way of reducing stress is by practicing yoga. Therefore yoga for tinnitus is an effective way of dealing with this problem. It is no secret that yoga is practiced by many the world over, to relieve themselves of stress. Turning to yoga for tinnitus will help as the yoga poses for tinnitus will relax the muscles round the neck and head. This will in turn lead to a decrease in the noise you hear. Tinnitus yoga asanas (postures) should be first practiced under the guidance of a trained yoga teacher. Once the yoga poses for tinnitus have been mastered, one can practice them at home itself.

Kundalini yoga is believed to be the most powerful form of yoga and is recommended in the treatment of tinnitus. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), Ushtrasana (Camel Pose), Matsyasana (Fish Pose), and Navasana (Boat Pose) are some of the yoga poses for tinnitus.

Submitted by A on November 3, 2011 at 12:24

Tinnitus in itself is simply a symptom and not a health condition. This basically implies that tinnitus could be a symptom that indicates the presence of some underlying condition. An accurate diagnosis is therefore absolutely essential for any effective treatment plan. Non medical treatment options that could include the use of yoga and other home remedies can help to relieve the symptoms of tinnitus, by reducing or masking the unwanted noise.  Do keep in mind that home treatments can only help provide relief, but are not an alternative to medical care. If the problem persists make it a point to consult with your health care provider.

Submitted by A on August 3, 2007 at 06:05

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