Breathing Exercise For Hearing Disorders

(August 25, 2011)

I(Age 47)have mild hearing loss due to infection in ear which is now cured. Kindly advice me yogic exercise to improve hearing

Pranayama To Improve Hearing

Normal hearing will depend on the ears receiving an adequate supply of blood to the nerves. There are many yoga postures, especially the inverted postures, which can help improve the circulation of blood in this area. However, before practicing the inverted postures, you should make sure that there is no discharge or inflammation in the ears. Some of the effective inverted yoga postures you could practice are :

The blood vessels and nerves that supply the ears with blood will pass through the neck. Unhealthy lifestyles can cause the neck to lose its flexibility and the supplies of the blood vessels and nerves will be restricted. Practicing some yoga postures for the neck can help restore flexibility and improve the supply of blood to the ears. You can also benefit by practicing some breathing exercises like  Anulom Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing) as it help in improving blood circulation.

Submitted by G M on August 25, 2011 at 12:46

Is nerve deafness reversible?my sister is suffering from nerve deafness since she was a kid and gradually losing hearing can anything be done?

Nerve deafness is a condition in which the sound enters the ear but is not detected by a damaged cochlea or ear drum. The nature of nerve deafness could be of varying degrees and therefore identifying the state of the damage is very important in treating the condition. The causes of nerve deafness could be varied and identifying the cause would help in keeping the situation under control. 

The ability for yoga to help return your sisters ability to hear will depend on how far the condition has already affected her hearing as well as whether she has attained the ability to speak before the condition affected her. Meditation is one of the best methods of improving hearing. This should be performed by the individual concentrating on the sound of her breathing first, then gradually sounds around the house before progressing to sounds from outside the house. The practice of meditation should continue with alternating between sounds in close proximity and those far away. Again, it is very important to realize that nerve damage, unless it is only starting to develop, is in most cases irreversible. Along with meditation it is recommended that you take your sister to a specialist to help her get her hearing back and thereby improve the quality of her life.

Submitted by G M on July 12, 2011 at 06:46

I Have A Question About Using A Neti Pot?

A Neti Pot is an apparatus used to relieve the symptoms of respiratory disorders as well as nasal congestion. With the increasing pollution levels and related allergic reactions, many people, all around the world, turn to a Neti Pot for relief. With the help of this instrument, a saline solution is allowed to flow into one nostril and then exit from the other. By this, it helps to flush out the nasal and sinus cavities and this has proven to be one of the best remedies for nasal conditions. A teaspoon of pure sea salt added to half a liter of lukewarm water is the best recommended solution for this method of yogic treatment. It is comparatively safe and more effective than medication and other forms of treatment. Cleansing the nasal and sinus cavities with the help of this apparatus aids better breathing as well as helps in killing infectious germs and reducing allergic reactions. It also improves the sense of smell and taste. Many people use this method of nasal cleansing on a regular basis. However, some believe that the long-term use of a Neti Pot is not advisable as the body may become resistant to its effects and thus repeated usage may not have any positive effect for the treatment of a nasal condition. 

Submitted by R J on July 12, 2011 at 06:44

Should You Exercise When You Have A Cold?

Suffering from a cold is a very common condition that will affect almost every single individual a few times during his or her lifetime. The air we breathe is filled with thousands of viruses that could affect us at any point of time. This is because our bodies are not equipped with antibodies to fight all these types of viruses. Suffering from a cold is likely to cause a substantial amount of malaise in the individual. At such points exercising would seem as an unwanted activity to be carried out. However there are certain exercises that could help to relive you of the discomfort you feel because of the cold.

If you feel up to it, there are a number of yoga poses that can help you deal with the cold more effectively and build up your body’s ability to deal with the problem. The mountain pose, for instance, is associated with the experience of stillness, strength and relaxed power as well as immense stability. This pose promotes a feeling of well being in the body. The shoulder stand is another pose that is known to build up an individual’s immunity – thereby helping his or her body deal with the problem of a cold more effectively. You could use any of these poses to help you in dealing with the discomfort felt as a result of the cold.

Submitted by C D on July 12, 2011 at 06:42

I've Had Nasal And Ear Congestion For A Month Now. Please Suggest Some Yoga.

There are a number of factors that can cause the development of ear congestion and suffering from the problem can have a very debilitating effect on your life. Given the fact that the condition has lasted for as long as it has, it is highly recommended that you have a specialist take a look at the problem. Proper medical diagnosis would help make sure whether or not it is the result of some other underlying condition.

Yoga is a highly recommended holistic discipline that goes a long way into not only improving the quality of your life, but also increasing the overall health status of your body. There are a number of breathing exercises that will go a long way into helping you get rid of the nasal and ear congestion. Breathing alternately from one side of the nose and then the other helps comfort the nostrils while also relieving the nose and the throat. The yoga breathing exercise requires you to sit in a comfortable position with your back spine and neck erect and then focus your mind on inhaling slowly and deeply. As you continue to inhale – make it a point to ensure that your abdomen is filled with air and while you exhale, you let your belly deflate like a balloon. If you are a beginner you would need a youga instructor to guide you through the process.

Submitted by A on July 12, 2011 at 06:40

Yoga To Improve Hearing

Our sense of hearing plays a huge role in the quality of life we lead. Our ears and ability to hear allow us to communicate more effectively; judge our surroundings and even help us sense any danger nearby. A loss of hearing can be quite hard to deal with initially and increasing the hearing ability will be of prime importance in the life of the person affected. Yoga is considered to be a naturally more holistic way of improving the quality of one’s life as well as improving the ability of the body and its independent organs.

In terms of yogic exercises to improve one’s hearing, the breathing exercises known as pranayama will help clear any blockages that may be present in the auditory canal. This will ensure smooth circulation through the nerves to all the vital organs of the body. Meditation is another way of improving ones hearing. You could start by concentrating on the sound of your breathing at first and then start to concentrate on the sounds in your surroundings. Keep transitioning between the sounds far away from you and then back to the ones in close proximity. Regular practice of this yogic exercise will help tune your ears to be able to hear much better.

Submitted by C D on July 12, 2011 at 06:11

It is very nice that you have chosen yoga for enhancing your hearing. But just to be on the safer side consult your doctor before doing any exercises. If your doctor says its fine for you to start your exercises then you can go ahead with it. Our hearing depends on the healthy function of the nerves and yoga helps to keep these nerves clear and healthy free from any obstruction. Thus it helps to improve our hearing and eyesight as well. To get the best results from your yoga practice to boost your hearing you should wake up early in the morning and when it is still quiet and the birds are still waking up. Start with practicing Dhyana or meditation but you can make a slight modification to it. You can start by concentrating on the sound of your breathing first and then move on to other sounds around you like the sounds around your house. Next try and focus on the sounds that you hear outside your house such as the sound of the car or bird passing by and then move on further to other distant sounds. When you do this try and focus on that particular sound and then slowly move back to concentrating on the sounds near you, and finally to the sound of your breathing. This will increase your hearing range to a great extent. Besides this you can practice pranayama or the breathing exercises as these will greatly help to clear the blockages and ensure smooth circulation through your nerves to all the vital organs in your body thus boosting their health. You can practice Bhastrika or the bellows where you take deep breaths and then breathe out fully. Anulom Vilom or alternate nostril breathing, which involves breathing alternatively through each nostril deeply into your lungs. Kapalbhati or the breath of fire, which is considered extremely beneficial for the brain and neurological system. It concentrates more on breathing out forcefully then breathing in and is great to improve your hearing and eyesight. Bahya pranayama or retaining the air outside the body, which involves staying without breathing for a few moments.

Udgeeth or the chanting of Om where you breathe in deeply and then chant Om for as long as you can in the same breath. You can do this for 10 to 15 minutes as it is considered excellent for improving concentration and boosting your memory.

Submitted by G M on January 30, 2009 at 04:53

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