The Relationship Between Ayurveda and Yoga

The origins of Ayurveda like yoga can be traced to ancient India. Both these sciences have a common language and similar goals, i.e. to improve the welfare physical, mental and spiritual of the practitioner. The healing side of Yoga is Ayurveda.

But Yoga is a spiritual tradition. Ayurveda emerged from it. With the help of Yoga you are able to prepare your body and mind for self-realization. This is also called union with the Supreme Being.


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Ayurveda helps to support your spiritual journey. This is done by keeping body and mind in a state of balance and harmony. Yoga and Ayurveda are so intimately entwined that it is difficult to imagine practising down one without knowing the other.

With the help of Ayurveda, the Yoga practitioner is in a better position pick out postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama) and chanting sacred syllables (mantras) specific to one’s unique constitution for good health. The Ayurvedic doctor (Ayurvaid) prescribes specific herbs, diet and lifestyle to stop sickness and help in the healing process.

Hence, the study of yoga and Ayurveda together is of vital to each discipline. It also helps us understand the sum total of life that both disciplines deal with in so profoundly. Reinstating physical, mental and spiritual comprehensiveness is what we all look for, both individually and collectively.

In the west, today Yoga is a common term, where Yoga classes can be found in every town, city or vicinity. Most folks tend to associate Yoga with the physical poses (asanas), which are the most obvious part of the program. Then again, while physical poses (asanas) are great way to enter the vast temple of Yoga, they don’t constitute the whole structure or its chief divinity, either. Ultimately, most folks who start practising Yoga will encounter its broader and more spiritual practices, like meditation and mantras.

Likewise, the West is today fast getting acquainted with Ayurveda.

It is known in as a special system of natural medicine. Ayurvedic medicinal herbs are available at most health food stores. A number of popular books and magazines have presented the idea of Ayurvedic constitutional types. Then again, the physical aspect of Ayurvedic healing by way of herbal treatment and diet is just part of the system. The inner aspect, that of curing the subtle body and mind – this includes a set of Yogic practices and meditation – is the other and probably more important part.

Since time immemorial, in India, Yoga has always managed the spiritual side of life. This is also referred to as the path of Self-realization. Alternatively, with certain lifestyle recommendations Ayurveda takes care of both physical and mental conditions. As a therapy, Yoga has long been prescribed from an Ayurvedic perspective. In both theory and application traditional Ayurvedic therapy was Yogic. By this yardstick, both do ignore the potential benefits of the insights of each other to their therapies. Ayurveda understands the effects of Yogic practices and not just tries to define healing in terms of modern medicine or modern psychology alone. Likewise, Yoga comprehends and accepts the benefits and effects of Ayurvedic prescriptions and tries to incorporate them into its own therapies.

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