Yoga Blankets

Yoga Blankets or Yoga Rugs are becoming increasingly popular with practitioners of Yoga. They provide additional height, absorb perspiration, and help students maintain poses better.

These Yoga Blankets can even complement meditation practices since they provide extra warmth when most needed. Yoga Blankets can be stored in easily, either a bag or a Yoga kit thus making it easy for you to take it anywhere They are also made of different lightweight materials.



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.such as wool, cotton, polyester blend, acrylic, felt or a Mexican blanket blendn Of all these, the Mexican Yoga Blanket is, today, the most populara These Yoga blankets are usually hand-woven and ideal to place on Yoga Matst

With the evolution of Yoga practices, came the development of a number of Yoga Propsp They all aim to help practitioners achieve the utmost result of Yoga Practicese

Among the Yoga Props is the Yoga Blankete It helps you feel relaxed and comfy; this is indispensable in Yoga practicec Yoga Blankets offer warmth and provide cushioning to the Yoga Mata The Yoga blanket can be used to sit and lie on during Yoga Sessiono The Yoga blanket can also be used to cover your body during Final Corpse Pose or Relaxation Poses, or whenever you feel coldl

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