Yoga for face

(July 25, 2008)

Suggest some yoga exercises for pimples and acne?

As an alternative therapy to medications and other forms of remedies, Yoga can be used to treat and bring about much relief from acne. Through the use of various yogasanas, the flow of blood to the face is increased thus helping to get rid of toxins and waste products from the face, and providing the necessary nutrients to the skin. In order to prevent pimples and acne, it is important to avoid the problem of constipation. A healthy metabolism helps in the effective removal of waste products and toxins from the body, thus preventing the development of acne which is usually a result of bad metabolism. In addition to yogasanas, eating habits must be altered to conform to a more healthy lifestyle. The use of natural antibiotics and healthy spices must be consumed instead of resorting to medicated drugs and pills for the same effect.

Yoga must be practiced for an hour daily, in order to stall the growth of acne and prevent it from developing further. An ideal yoga session must comprise of the standing, forwards and backward bending postures, inverted postures. A 15 minutes session of deep relaxation and deep breathing techniques must be followed, immediately after the yogasanas. The breathing and relaxation method must be done while being seated in the supine position. In order to get rid of the root cause of acne, one must deeply understand and practice the concepts of yoga in order to achieve a perfect balanced functioning between the body and mind. Stress and strain are also important factors in the development of acne and pimples. Hence deep relaxation is known to be highly beneficial in soothing the digestive system as well as improving concentration. At a practice of yogasanas as well as the breathing techniques will help the body to get rid of unwanted waste materials and keep the skin supple and fresh. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day, as it helps in enhancing the texture of the skin. It is also important to have proper rest and help the body to recuperate, after a hard and hectic schedule. Taking care of these subtle habits will help you in laying the foundations for a physically fit body and younger looking skin. After the workout of yogasanas, it is important to conclude the yoga session with an extended session of Pranayama and deep meditation. Alternately you can also incorporate the Surya Namaskar or the sun salutations as part of your yoga session, as the Surya Namaskar has numerous asanas and positions that are vital for the body's flexibility.

Submitted by C D on July 25, 2008 at 05:23

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