Yoga for baldness

(November 2, 2007)

Can yoga reduce baldness.

Yoga will not reduce baldness – meaning yoga cannot make your hair grow back. Baldness is genetically passed down from your family. What yoga may be able to do is help reduce stress and this may slow the amount of hair you are losing. Any style of yoga will help reduce stress, however,the most effective for stress reduction is Hatha and Kundalini yoga.  Both yoga styles incorporate asanas and mediation. The asanas will relieve tension throughout your body. Meditation will help relieve tension in your mind. Mediation will probably be the most effective in relieving stress that may help in reducing your hair loss. Make sure you have a comfortable place to meditate and that all distractions are eliminated. Keep your breathing steady and deep and close your eyes. You may find it comfortable you wrap yourself in a blanket,especially if you are lying down. Some soothing music may also help you meditate. Try meditating for at least ten minutes at first,increasing your meditation time as you become more comfortable. Do not worry if you feel awkward at first, you will feel more comfortable with time.

If you are not satisfied and continue to lose hair,see your doctor who might be able to assist you further.

Submitted by R W on November 2, 2007 at 05:10

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