Improve Memory with Yoga

(November 9, 2010)

What are yogas for improving memory power

Yoga is a form of exercise that can be used to improve one’s physical fitness. In addition, yoga also helps to elevate the mental state. It can be used to effectively ease stress and induce relaxation. The different poses of yoga involve stretching and relaxing the muscles and joints of the body. This effect is similar to that of a massage wherein the individual feels relaxed and calm. An important part of yoga is breathing. This focus on one’s breath is a type of meditation which helps to clear the mind and improve the mental state. On account of the positive effect that yoga has on the mind, one can also improve memory with yoga. Yoga to increase memory power involves many different postures. Regular practice of these exercises develops the body and mind. Forgetfulness is reduced and the individual’s grasping power is increased.  
Some of the yoga exercises to improve memory include Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand). Beginners must perform yoga poses done under the guidance of a yoga teacher. This pose increases the blood flow to the brain. It also eases fatigue and weakness. To perform this pose, first lie on your back with the legs together and hands at the sides. Then take a deep breath and raise your legs to a 30 degree angle. Raise them further to a 60 degree angle and then to 90 degrees. The back may be supported with the hands while raising the legs, but the elbows should remain on the floor. You may hold the pose for twenty seconds in the beginning. As you practice, you can slowly start increasing the duration for which you hold each pose. Those with problems of the back and neck should avoid doing this exercise. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) is also beneficial for improving memory power. Lie down on your stomach and rest the forehead on the ground. Keep your arms close to the body and place your hands beside the chest. Inhale and raise your head and upper body as much as you can. Hold this pose for as long as it is comfortable and then exhale and slowly resume original position.
Pranayama or control of breath is very beneficial for improving concentration. Yoga to improve memory and concentration includes pranayama exercises such as Kapalabhati (Rapid Breathing) and Anuloma Viloma (Alternate nostril breathing). Rapid breathing helps to strengthen the respiratory system and also positively affects memory. Alternate nostril breathing helps to enhance the blood flow through the body and also promotes alertness.

Submitted by A on November 9, 2010 at 04:54

‘Yoga’ is a form of exercise regime using different postures and breathing techniques. It increases concentration, helps in relaxation and improves your overall health. One extremely useful advantage of yoga is that it helps the person greatly improve his memory or retentive ability. It is believed that a person can improve his memory with yoga by up to 3 times. Efforts to improve your memory with yoga are not unrealistic but the practice does require a great deal of discipline.
A person looking to improve his memory through yoga practices asanas like the Sarvangasana, Shirshasana, etc. ‘Sarvangasana’ is done by lying on your back keeping the legs together and your hands to the side of your body with the palms facing the floor. Inhale and move your legs upwards, first at 30-degree, then 60-degree, and finally at 90-degree angles. Hold this position for 2 minutes and then slowly lower your legs. You can increase the 2 minute time as you continue to practice it regularly. This helps in supplying blood to the brain making the pineal and pituitary glands healthier. Thus, serving to enhance normal brain functions, cure forgetfulness, and improve memory power.
‘Pranayama’ is a set of different breathing exercises that help in improving memory by supplying energy to the brain. It also increases the blood circulation and helps clear blood clots. Pranayama is done by sitting in a crossed-legged posture. Relax yourself, inhale slowly, and then exhale rapidly through your nostrils. Every Pranayam has different ways of breathing but all are done in a seated position.
‘Shirshasana’ or the head stand is the best memory yoga. It is also considered to be the most powerful asana. This asana increases the blood flow to the brain, thus, greatly enhancing its health. Though tough initially, with time and practice you can master this asana. This asana requires you to fold your legs at the knees and sit on your heels. Interlock your fingers, lean forward, and place them on the ground from your palms to the elbow. Next, place the back of your head on the inner side of the interlocked fingers and lift your knees towards the head, slowly. Inhale and slowly lift the legs up in a vertical position with your head safely on the ground between your interlocked fingers. Keep the back straight, and take deep breaths. Hold the position for 15 to 20 seconds, before returning to the initial position.
Though not proven, many believe that practicing yoga can also improve your chances of developing photographic memory. Meditation and yoga helps in making the passive part of the brain active. Thus, it serves to improve your brain’s retentive powers.

Submitted by A on September 12, 2010 at 11:43

Pranayama and Shavasana are said to have a direct link to Memory power. To improve your memory, do a few rounds of Surya Namaskar, some asanas of your choice but plenty of Pranayama. These include Kapalabhati, Anuloma-Viloma and Brahmari. At the end of your Yoga session, try to do at least 15 minutes of Shavasana daily.

Submitted by A on September 7, 2007 at 04:37

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