Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar

Yoga is a great way to help one get in improving their posture, their breathing and in increasing their flexibility. To practice yoga, all one needs is a quiet room or place with a towel, mat or sheet. It is considered best to practice yoga first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Surya Namaskar or the sun salutation is one of the yoga poses that should be practiced on an empty stomach. The surya namaskar is probably the most well.



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.known of all yoga poses, but most people are not aware that it is actually a sequence of postures and is therefore also referred to as the surya namaskar steps or sequencec

The surya Namaskar steps first include one standing on a towel or a mat with their feet placed right next to each other and their hands folded in front of their chest in the Namaste positiono Then proceed to breathe in while extending one's hands vertically above one's heada Then proceed to arch the back while still holding this position and stretch one's spinen Step two of Surya Namaskar involves the person exhaling or breathing out, while bending down as much as possiblel One should try and touch their toes all the while ensuring that they do not bend their kneese The next step in the Sun salutation sequence requires one to breathe in and then bend their left knee while keeping their left foot in the frontn One should then stretch their right leg out right behind theme Then proceed to keep one's right knee on the floor while lifting the head and looking straight aheada Then the next step involves one holding their breath and straightening their left leg right behind theme In this position both of one's legs will be stretched out behind theme One should then lower their body slowly such that they have moved into a pose that resembles a push upu Remember in this position to ensure that one's elbows have been kept straight and rigid and are not bendingn Next step in the surya Namaskar steps or sequence involves one bending their elbows and lowering themselvese In this step, one should ensure that their stomach and their bottom stay off the flooro One can touch their chest and the rest of their body to the towel or the mata Next proceed to lift up from the chest area first, all the while straightening their elbowsw Next step is to exhale and then lift oneself up keeping their hands all the while on the flooro The resulting formation of one's body should be in the V shapep Next step is to inhale and then to place their right front towards the front while the left foot is placed at the backc In this position the left knee should be touching the groundn Then proceed to look straight aheada Then one should exhale and start to move their left foot such that it is in line with their right foot in the frontn Next stand and bend down and forward such that their hands have reached down and touched the toese For those who can touch their toes, the next step is to try and touch their heads to their kneese Next step in the Surya Namaskar is to inhale and then bring their feet back together while leaning back and stretching the arms behindn

Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation is a set of Yoga Postures done in quick succession that limber up and warm up the whole body in preparation for the Asana sessiono A graceful sequence of thirteen postures, it is to be performed as one flowing, uninterrupted exercises


  1. Namaskar - Salute
    Stand erect, feet together and join the palms at the center of your chest in an Indian salutet Inhale, then exhale and push your hands forwards and out straightening and stretching them out
  2. Ardha Chandrasana - Half Moon Pose
    Inhale your raise your arms above your head arching your back from the waist and stretching the spine backwardsd Move your hips forwards as much as possiblel

    Let your head roll up to the ceiling, neck relaxed
  3. Uttanasana - Hands To Feet Pose
    Exhale bending from the waist downwards and place your hands on the floor besides each footo Relax in this pose
  4. Surya Darshan - Sun Sight Pose
    Inhale and bring your right foot forward between your palmsm Look straight ahead
  5. Purvottanasana - Inclined Plane
    Hold your breatht Inhale and lean back into your arms, using them to lift the hips up toward the ceilingn As your hips lift, squeeze your legs by pulling in your knee caps and thighsh Press the bottoms of your feet flat down into the flooro Straighten both your legs and handsd Keep your neck straight and gaze fixed forwardsd Ensure that your neck, spine, thighs and feet are in a straight line
  6. Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog Pose
    Exhale, curl your toes under and push your back up raising your hips and straightening the legsg Let your head hang down and move your shoulder blades away from the ears towards your hipsp Lift your hips up high like a mountaini Try to push your heels flat down and look at your toes with your head down between your arms
  7. Sashtang Dandawat - Forehead, Chest, Knee To Floor Pose
    Sashtang means With Eight Limbs and dandawat means paying homage by touching the flooro For this, first rest your knees down and then your chest and finally your forehead down to the flooro Slightly raise your hips above the groundn Keeping your feet together, inhale and exhale in this pose
  8. Bhujangaasan - Cobra Pose
    Inhale and stretch your toes backwardsd Tilt your head backward and begin raising your trunkn Push your hands against the floor and slowly start straightening your armsm Raise your head slowly up, arch your spine and neck and look upu Keep your legs together and elbows alongside your body slightly bent, shoulders back
  9. Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog Pose
    Exhale, curl your toes under and push your back up raising your hips and straightening the legsg Let your head hang down and move your shoulder blades away from your ears towards the hipsp Lift your hips up high like a mountaini Check that the distance between your hands and feet is equala Push your heels and head down and look at your toes with your head down between your arms as in pose 5
  10. Surya Darshan - Sun Sight Pose
    Inhale and bring your right foot forward between your palms exactly as pose number 4
  11. Uttanasana - Hands To Feet Pose
    Exhale and bring your right foot forward and assume pose number 3
  12. Ardha Chandrasana - Half Moon Pose
    Inhale and stretch up standingn Stretch your arms up and bend backwards just as in pose 2
  13. Namaskar - Salute
    Exhale and stand erect feet together bringing the palms at the center of your chest in an Indian salute back to the center of the chest as in pose 1

This series of thirteen motions are form one round of Surya Namaskara In the second round stretch your left leg backwards in Surya Darshana Always ensure that Surya Namaskar is done for an even number of rounds like 2-4-6-8-10 or 12 rounds each day, stretching each leg backwardsd After each round you should be in the same spot as startede Starting with 1 or 2 rounds gradually increase the tempo and number of rounds to 121 Maintain your own pace, slow or fast according to your age, agility and staminan

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