Circle Pose (Mandalasana)

Yoga poses or asanas are designed to bring about balance to the body of the person performing the postures. Circle Pose is one such asana of yoga that contributes to the all round rejuvenation of the body.

Circle Pose is also referred to as Mandalasana. This pose can be done as half circle yoga exercise as well.


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Steps :

  1. Lie down on a mat with your back touching the floor. Next, raise your body off the floor by bending your knees, similar to a Bridge Pose. Move your palms toward your head, and clasp your finger behind your head.
  2. With your head rested firmly between your forearms and your body raised off the floor, start moving your legs toward the right in a circular motion. Your head should be the center point of the circle that you effectively make with your feet.
  3. Once you reach half way, you would need to raise one of your legs (depending on which direction you are moving in) and bring it over. What this means is that if you are with your back toward the floor, then at half way point, you would need to lift your right leg, and twist your body, bringing your right leg down on the other side such that your back is now facing the ceiling. You would need to switch legs, at every half way point, while making full circles.

Precautions :

  • Circle Pose is best avoided by people who have had spine or hip surgeries.
  • Circle Pose precautions should also be taken by those who are prone to back injury or have difficulty balancing on their heads.
  • This is a difficult or advanced pose to perform and needs to be done under the supervision of a yoga expert or teacher.

Beginners Tip :

Mandalasana is an advanced exercise in yoga. A beginners tip for circle pose would be that the person lie down on a mat and then gradually lift up his/her body. He can thus balance his trunk on his arms and hips. When performed by an expert, the pose is entered into from a headstand.

Benefit To Body Part :

  • A deep internal massage of the abdomen and underlying organs.

  • All the muscles of the body till the toes are stretched.
  • The lymph and immune system of the body also receive a complete stimulus.

Therapeutic Applications :

  • Therapeutic applications of Mandalasana or the Circle Pose include its rejuvenation of the chest muscles and the lungs. This provides relief to persons suffering from asthma.
  • Blood circulation is enhanced from the head to the soles of the feet. The thyroid glands are thus also stimulated.
  • The wrists, hips, and backbone are strengthened and stretched. This reduces the risk of any injury due to strain or pressure on the backbone. It wards off sciatica, osteoporosis, and other bone-related ailments.

Variations :

  • Variations for circle pose include circling the arms in front of the body. The arms could be held stretched out in front of the body.
  • Another variation, mostly practiced by beginners, is to make only half circles, thus avoiding the twisting of the body at mid-way points.

Preparatory Poses :

  • Headstand (Sirshasana) : This helps you balance your body better while doing the pose.
  • Two Leg Inverted Staff Pose (Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana) : Move your feet in a circular manner when in this pose so as to get used to the pattern of movement in the Circle Pose.
  • Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) : You can enter the Circle Pose from this pose as this gives your nervous system time to adapt to the change in the alignment of the body.

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